Chapter 7: You gotta be lying

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This one does not follow an episode

"I just want to talk." Eden sat down, crossing her legs. 

Alexis crosses her arms over her chest, taking a step back. Her defenses were up, she was watching every little movement Eden made. "About what? I already told you, I'm not helping you."

Eden sighs. "I'm here to tell you the truth. Now that the apocalypse is officially happening, I think its time the entire truth comes out."

Alexis hesitantly sat down on the foot of the bed, her hand going to her stomach. "What truth? What do you have to do with the end of the world?"

Eden smiles. "I'll have you know you and I are very important."

Before Eden could continue, Alexis cut her off. "Me? How? I don't have powers anymore. I'm normal. I have nothing to do with this."

"Yes, Alexis, you do. See, I can give you your powers back. In a way. But you must know the truth so you can understand fully the things that must happen."

Alexis rolls her eyes.  If you say one damn thing about destiny, I swear, I will leave right now."

"Alexis, destiny isn't something you run from or pretend its not real. Now, the beginning of this story is, well, the beginning. Contrary to what you may believe, God did not create the honors--"

"Who did?" Alexis asks.

"Let me continue and you'll find out." Eden scoffs. "We were created by The Darkness as some call her. Amara is her name. She wanted angels of her own when God started making the Arch- angels. To make a long story short with that, she was banished."

"Then the honors were taken in by God. We needed someone to follow, or that's what we thought. Here is where the story really begins," Eden pauses and Alexis rolls her eyes. "I met Michael and Lucifer. Lucifer and I became friends quickly. We were close, brother and sister close. But Michael. Oh, he was a different story."

"You know, I don't understand, who is Amara? Why is she banished? To where?" Alexis asks, taking note of the smile on her mothers face at the mention of Michael.

Eden sighs. "Alexis, she doesn't matter. She has nothing to do with the story anymore. Now, Michael, he was... We were closer than Lucifer and I, but in a different way. Michael was...he was my closet friend for a while. Over time, he stole my heart. He didn't even know it. Angels aren't specifically made to feel, but Amara though it would be better if we knew what emotions felt like."

"So, I fell in love with him. Michael was oblivious." Eden laughs. "It was honestly quite annoying and endearing. But he was dedicated to his job, the one his father had given him. All he wanted was to please his father. Loyal is not a strong enough word for Michael."

"Anyway," Eden made all trace of emotion disappear from her face. "Lucifer began with his antics. He disobeyed. So God ordered Michael to banish him to hell. So when it came time, I was pulled into the mix. I had to choose. And I did. I choose Michael. Like I always have and always will."

"Why? What was so great about Michael? He probably didn't care about you. And have? Have you had to choose before that?" Alexis asks.

Eden smiles. "Ahh, you're catching on. I left out a part of the story to see if you caught on. Back when Amara was being thrown out, I was pulled into it. They needed me. Michael needed me. So when I was asked to choose between my mother and Michael, I did."

Alexis gasps. "You helped Michael banish your mother? Why?"

"She was too...power hungry, anyway. Michael and I were very close and I wasn't going to help my mother kill him. No matter what she promised me." Eden explains. "Back to where we were. Again, the time to choose came. I did. After throwing Lucifer into hell, Michael and I only grew closer."

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