Chapter 5: Oh, yay, I might not die

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Free to be you and me 1

It had been a rough morning. After Dean had walked in on Alexis having a complete mental break down this morning, he calmed her down and now the two stood at the trunk of the impala as Dean slipped a dagger in the waistband of his jeans. The two were in Greeley, Pennsylvania at the Taft Memorial Hospital. 

"You alright, Sweetheart?" Dean asks, his hand brushing her back as the two walk toward the building. 

"Yeah," Alexis nods her head. "yeah. All good." She had no intention of Dean finding out about her little 'moment' this morning. Alexis was trying to keep it together for him. She knew that Dean was going through some things since Sam wasn't here. All Alexis wanted was to help him through this, and she couldn't do that if she was breaking down every five seconds like she had.

Once reaching the front desk of the hospital, Dean and Alexis flash their badges. 

"Hi, I'm Detective Bill Buckner and this is my partner, Emily Smith." Dean slips his badge back into his pocket. 

"Yes, how can I help you, Detectives?" An older doctor asks. 

"We're here about the patients--the exsanguinated ones." 


That night, Alexis turned, breathing heavy as she wiped the blood off the blade in her hand, just in time to see Dean pin the vampire to the hood of the car. "Eat it, Twilight." Dean hisses, chopping the vamp's head off. 

"That was a horrible movie." Alexis comments, moving toward Dean as he sawed through the vampire's neck. She set a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face her. Blood was splattered across Deans face. Alexis gave him a soft, comforting smile as she pulled a bandanna from her coat pocket. Alexis reaches up, wiping the blood from his face. 

Dean stayed silent, leaning into her touch as she washed away the blood. 

After that, Dean and Alexis wash the hood of the Impala, cleaning away the vampire blood. 


Alexis sat in front seat of the car, her head on Deans shoulder with his hand on her knee as Simple Man floated softly through the speakers. Dean tapped his thumb against the wheel to the beat of the music. He glances over to the passenger seat before looking back at the road. 

Alexis squeezes his arm where her hand rested. She turned her head, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. 


Alexis walked toward the sink where Dean stood, trying to clean the blood from his jacket. Alexis pushes herself up onto the counter. She set her hand on his forearm, sliding it up his bicep and letting her fingertips slip under the hem of the sleeve of his T-shirt. 

"I love you, you know that, right?" She hums as Dean cuts on the water, sticking the rag underneath the stream. Alexis though he might need to hear it. She liked to remind him how she felt. 

Dean briefly meets her eyes. "I--" When Dean looked away, he saw Cass through the mirror standing behind him. He jumps a little. "Don't do that." Dean hit his fist against the sink. 

"Hello, Dean. Alexis." Cass greets.

Dean turns around. "Cass, we've talked about this. Personal space?"

"My apologies." Cass took a step back. 

Dean grabs his jacket, walking toward the bed. "How'd you find us? I thought we were flying below the angel radar." 

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