Chapter 28: Put some pants on, for starters

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My Bloody Valentine 1

"Would you get your feet off the table?" Alexis asks Dean as he stared at the folder in his hand. The two had just gotten back only a little while ago from the coroner's office.

He looks up, meeting her eyes. "Whatever you say, mom."

"Don't you even start." Alexis rolls her eyes, walking around the table and smacking him in the head. Madilyn giggles. Alexis handed her to Dean. Madilyn grabbed onto Deans tie, pulling on it.

"Ow." Dean complains.

The two look over when the sound of keys rattling begins. Sam walked in, bag of food in hand.

"How'd it go?" Dean asks.

"Uh, no EMF, no sulfur. Ghost possession and demonic possession are probably out." Sam explains.

"Hmm. That's where I was putting my money." Dean hums. 


"Well, then, what? Dude, at the coroner's, you didn't see these bodies. I mean, these two started eating and they just kept going." Dean sighs. "I mean, they're stomachs were full. Like Thanksgiving dinner full."

"It was horrible." Alexis adds, leaning against the counter.

"Talk about codependent." Dean continues, grabbing his beer from the table. 

Sam took off his suit jacket, sitting down across from Dean. "Well, I mean, we got our feelers out. Not much more we can do tonight. Alright. I'm just gonna go through some files. You two can go ahead and get going. I'll watch Maddie." 

"Sorry?" Dean asks, removing his feet from the table as he dropped the folder back on the table. 

"Go ahead. Unleash the kraken. See you both tomorrow morning." 

"Excuse me?" Alexis asks. 

"Where are we going?" Dean asks. 

"Dean, it's Valentine's Day." Sam says. "Your favorite holiday, remember? I mean, what do you always call it? Uh, unattached drifter Christmas."

"Yeah. That was before we got together." Dean nods, gesturing to Alexis. He stood, grabbing another beer from the cooler. "Yeah, well, be that as it may, I don't know. I guess I'm just not feeling it this year." 

Alexis took Madilyn from Dean, moving across the room to the crib. She set her down. Though Alexis tried to ignore it, a part of her thought maybe she was reason Dean 'wasn't feeling it.' Though she knew she was probably being ridiculous, but there was still a small part if her that was scared. Hell, Alexis had given birth. What if--? Alexis stopped that train of thought, she couldn't start thinking like that. "Yeah. Maybe we're just not feeling it this year, Sam. You know, we do have lives outside of sex." 

"So you don't want to take Alex out of here and do god knows what to her?" Sam asks.

"And what makes you think it's not me doing god knows what to him, huh?" Alexis counters, moving back toward the table. "And, Sam, please get out of my sex life." 

Dean shrugs, his eyes flickering to Alexis. "What?"

"It's when a dog doesn't eat. That's when you know something's really wrong." Sam sighs. "I mean, come on, you two haven't been alone together since like December or something. I can watch Madilyn for you. I don't mind."

"Remarkably patronizing concern duly noted." Dean nods. "Nothing's wrong. Are we gonna work or what?"


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