Chapter 13: I'm so gonna lie to her

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I believe the children are our future 2

Julia gently set down the teacup. "I was possessed. A demon took control of my body and I hurt people. I killed people."

"That wasn't you." Sam reassures her. 

"But I was there. I heard a woman beg for mercy. I felt a young girl's blood drip down my hands." 

Alexis tenses up, clasping her hands tightly together. 

"That's how you knew about the salt." Dean states. 

"Yeah, I picked up tricks. It was in my head for months." Juila tells them. 

"How many months?" Alexis asks. 


"So you're son..." Sam trails off. 

"Yeah, the whole time, the pregnancy, birth, all of it...I was possessed." Julia nods. "The night the baby was born, I was alone and the pain was overwhelming. I screamed, and it came out a laugh because the demon was happy. It used my body to give birth to a child." 

"When it was over, something changed, maybe the demon was tired or if the pain helped me fight it, but..." Julia pauses. "somehow I took control. And the demon wailed inside me, it pounded against my skull...I thought my head was gonna explode, but I knew." 

"I knew what I had to do." Julia continues. "And when I was alone, with the baby, part of me--part of me wanted to kill it. But God help me, I couldn't do that, so I put it up for adoption and I ran."

"Who was the father?" Dean asks. 

"I was a virgin." 

Sam, Dean, and Alexis share a look. 

"Have you seen my son?" Julia asks. "Is he human?"

"His name's Jesse." Dean tells her. "He lives in Alliance. He's a good kid." 


"So now what?" Sam asks as the three walk out of the house and toward the car. 

"We need help." Dean sighs. 

"What are we supposed to do?" Alexis asks. 


Sam flicks on the light, walking into the motel room. Cass stood in the room. 

"I take it you got our message." Sam sat down at the table. 

"It's lucky you found the boy." Cass says. 

"Oh, yeah, real lucky. What do we do with him?" Dean asks. 

"Kill him."

"What?" Alexis asks. "We can't kill him. He's just a kid. He didn't even do anything wrong. He's innocent." 

"Cass." Dean says. 

"This child is half-demon and half-human. But it's far more powerful than either. Like Alexis before all her powers were drained." Castiel tells them. 

"Yeah, thanks for bringing that up, asshat." Alexis scoffs. 

"Other cultures call this hybrid cambion, or Katako." Cass continues, walking toward the hunters. "You know him as the Antichrist." 

Cass sat down and a fart noise sounds. Alexis rolls her eyes. Cass pulled the whoopee cushion out from the chair. "That wasn't me." He states. 

"Who put that there?" Dean asks, smiling a little. 

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