Chapter 2: Well, aren't you a ball of sunshine

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Sympathy for the devil 2

Alexis opened the door right as Bobby, who had Dean pinned to the wall with one hand, stabbed himself in his lower abdomen with the demon killing knife. Between the other hunters and Alexis was a man and a dark-haired woman.

Bobby crumpled to the floor as Dean caught Alexis' eye. He went to punch the woman that stood only a step away, but she ducked out of the way. The man ran at Dean, grabbing him by the shirt and shoving him into the wall.

Alexis, shellshocked, stood still. She hadn't yet processed what exactly was happening before her.

"Alex, what're you--" Sam stopped beside her. "No!" He immediately began moving toward Bobby, but instead was met with a yellow telephone.

"Hiya, Sammy." The woman says. "You miss me, because I sure missed you."

"Meg?" Sam asks. She smiled.

Reality hit Alexis as Sam went to hit Meg, but she ducked out of the way.

Alexis ducked under Sam's arm, taking the opportunity of the demons being distracted to drop to Bobby's side. She presses her hands to his wound, leaving the knife there so he wouldn't bleed out at the moment.

Alexis jumps at the sound of something hitting the floor hard behind her. She glances over her shoulder to see Dean rolling onto his back.

"Not so easy without your super special demon powers, huh, Sammy?" Meg asks, leaning down to the Winchester that she'd beaten to the floor.

Blood seeped between Alexis' fingers, staining her hands as Dean kicked the other demons legs out from underneath him. Alexis sighs. "Sorry, Bobby." She mumbles, ripping the knife out of his stomach. "Dean." She held the knife out to him, her bloody hand shaking.

Dean took it, turning and stabbing the demon in the chest. He pulled himself to his feet as Meg stood, backing away. Dean moved toward her; knife raised in hand. Meg lifted her head, screaming as black smoke curled toward the ceiling. The body fell to the floor.

"Dean..." Alexis calls out, her voice shaky as she tried to wake Bobby. "We've gotta get him to the hospital. Now."


Sam and Dean support Bobby as they walk through the double doors at the hospital.

"What happened?" A nurse asks, running up to them.

"He was stabbed." Dean tells her.

"Get me the gurney." The nurse demands as two more nurses move toward them.

"Okay, Bobby. You're gonna be okay." Sam says as they gently lay him on the gurney.

The two nurses began pulling Bobby away and Alexis went to follow.

"Just wait here." The nurse sets a hand on both her and Sam's shoulder.

"But--But we can't leave him." Alexis shakes her head.

"Just don't move. I've got questions." The nurse walks away.

"Sammy, Sweetheart, we gotta go." Dean tells them.

"No. No way, Dean." Sam argues.

"Demons heard where the sword is." Dean explains. "We gotta get to it before they do, if we're not too late already. Come on." Dean turned to walk away. He glances over his shoulder to see Alexis staring down the hall with tears in her eyes. "Sweetheart." He takes her bloody hand in his and pulls her toward the doors.


Once arriving in upstate New York at one of John's storage lock-ups, the three hunters stood at the trunk of the car, grabbing their guns. They then head for the storage locker.

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