Chapter 29: Don't forget that

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My Bloody Valentine 2

"His hunger will seep out and poison the air." Cass continues. "Famine is hungry. He must devour the souls of his victims."

"Well, he sounds like a stand-up guy." Alexis scoffs.  

"So that's what was in the briefcase." Dean states. "The Twinkie dudes soul?"

"Lucifer has sent his demons to care for Famine, to feed him, make certain he'll be ready." Cass explains. 

"Ready for what?" Sam asks.

"That was the single dumbest question you have ever asked Sam." Alexis sighs. 

"To march across the land." Cass answers. 


"Famine." Dean says, pacing as Sam stood in front of the bathroom mirror, splashing water on his face. 

"Yes." Cass nods through a mouth full of food. 

"So, what, this whole town is just gonna eat, drink and screw itself to death?" Sam asks. 

"Apparently." Alexis sighs as she sat on the bed with Madilyn in her lap. 

"We should stop it." Cass states, taking another bite of his burger. 

"Hey, that's a great idea." Dean nods. "How?"

"How did you stop the last horseman you met?" Cass asks. 

Dean stood still, quiet before crossing the room to his jacket. "War got his mojo from this ring." Dean pulled the ring from his coat, turning back to the angel. "After we cut it off, he just tucked-tail and ran. And everybody it effected, it was like they woke up out of a dream. You think Famine's got a class ring too?"

"I know he does." Cass tells him. 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Alexis asks.

"Well, okay. Let's track him down and get to chopping." Dean adds. 

"Yeah." Cass stands up, looking inside his now empty fast food bag as he pulls out another burger. 

"What are you, the Hamburglar?" Dean asks.

"Developed a taste for ground beef."

"Well, have you even tried to stop it?" 

"I'm an angel. I can stop anytime I want."

"Oh, yeah, it sure looks like it." Alexis nods. 

"Whatever." Dean mutters. "Sam, let's roll."

"Dean, I, um, I can't." Sam moved to the doorway of the bathroom. "I can't go."

"What do you mean?"

"I think it got to me, Dean. I think I'm hungry for it."

"Hungry for what?"

"You know."

"Demon blood." Dean states. "You gotta be kidding me. You get him out of here." Dean tells Cass. "Them too." He gestures to Alexis and Madilyn. "Just in case. You gotta beam them to like Montana. Anywhere but here."

"I feel fine." Alexis shrugs. 

"It won't work. He's already infected. Hunger's gonna travel with him." Cass explains. "Though it seems neither Alexis or Madilyn have been affected."

"Well, then what do we do?" Dean asks. 

"You go cut that bastard's finger off." Sam speaks up making Dean turn to him. 

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