Chapter 26: The manager tried to sell us dope

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The Song Remains the Same 1

Alexis looked up from Madilyn as Cass drew a symbol on the table so he could start the spell. Dean, who sat beside her, stood. "Really? Anna?" He asks. After he had explained that Anna had come to him in a dream saying to meet her somewhere and Cass had went instead, they all gathered in the motel room. "I don't believe it."

"It's true." Cass tells him. 

Alexis scoffs. "What's so hard to believe. I don't trust her." 

"So she's gone all Glenn Close, huh? That's awesome." Dean mutters.

"Who's Glenn Close?" Castiel asks. 

"No one. Just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits." Dean turns, walking across the room.

"So the plan to kill me, would it actually stop Satan?" Sam asks.

"No, Sam, come on." Dean looks over at his brother.

"Cass, what do you think? Does Anna have a point?" Sam continues. 

Cass looks up at the brothers. "No."

"I mean, it's Lucifer. Can't he just bring Sam back to life, or something." Alexis asks.

"She's, uh, Glenn Close." Cass continues.

"I don't get it. We're looking for the chick that wants to gank Sam?" Dean asks. "Why poke the bear?"

"Anna will keep trying. She won't give up until Sam is dead. So we kill her first." Cass began to chant in Latin and a flame shot up from the bowl on the table. Cass stumbled backwards, closing his eyes. "I found her."

"Where is she?" Dean asks. 

"No where. When." Cass corrects. "It's 1978." 

"What?" Sam stood, moving toward Dean. "Why 1978? I wasn't even born yet." 

"You won't be, if she kills your parents."


"Anna can't get to you because of me. So she's going after them."

"Take us back, now." Dean demands. 

Alexis stood, lifting Madilyn on her arms. "I'll call Vivian." 

"And deliver you right to Anna? I should go alone." Cass argues.

"They're our parents, Cass. We're going." Dean insists. 

"It's not that easy." Cass argues.

"Why not?" Sam asks.

"Time travel is difficult even with the power of heaven at my disposal."

"And you're cut off." Sam states. 

"So, what, you're like a DeLorean without plutonium?" Dean asks. 

"I don't understand that reference," Cass says. "but I'm telling you, taking this trip, with passengers no'll weaken me. If Alexis still had her powers, maybe that would help, but..." 

"They're our mom and dad, and if we can save them--and not just from Anna, I mean, if we can set things right, we have to try." Dean tells him. 


Cass placed the holy oil in the duffle bag. Alexis pressed a kiss to Madilyn's head. "See ya later, sweet pea." She mumbles, handing her to Dean. 

"Alright, munchkin, we'll be back." Dean smiles at her before handing the baby over to Vivian.

"Ready?" Cass asks. 

Sam scoffs, taking the duffle bag. "Not really."

"Bend your knees." Dean tells him. 

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