Chapter 21: PG-13's not so bad

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Abandon All Hope 1 

"Going down?" Dean asks Cass over the phone. Alexis sat on the hood of the Impala with Madilyn in her lap as June lay at her feet by a lake. "Right. Okay, Huggy Bear. Just don't lose him." 

"Dean." Alexis whispers.

He glances over his shoulder at her. "What?" He mouths. 

"Her stuffed duck. where's it at?" Alexis asks. Though Madilyn was only had month and a half almost two months old, she was severely attached to that duck, which Dean had bought the day she was born. 

"It's alright." Dean turns back to his conversation with Cass as he reaches through the window of the Impala. "You did great. We'll take it from here." He grabs the stuffed animal and tosses it to Alexis. 


Alexis walks beside Jo up the driveway toward the big, black, metal gate. She glances down at herself. She wore a long, black dress that had a slit all the way up her thigh, stopping just at her hip. Deans comment floats into her head as she and Jo reach the gate. God, Lex, you're stunning, Deans voice rang in her head as his eyes racked over her body. Too bad we don't have some extra time on our hands.

Alexis, deciding to play along, replied, And what would we do with this hypothetical extra time?

Deans eyes met hers. Oh, there's a whole lot I can think of. There's also a whole lot I can think of that I wanna put my hands on.

Alexis was pulled back to reality when Jo presses the button in the intercom. 

"Yeah?" A voice cut through the speaker.

"Hello?" Jo calls. "Our car broke down. We need some help."

"I'll be down in a minute." 

Jo turns, smoothing down her short, black dress. The gates creak open as two men make their way toward them. Alexis and Jo step through the gate. 

"Evening, pretty ladies." One man greets. "Get yourselves on in here." 

"We just need to make a call." Alexis tells him. 

The mans eyes fell on Alexis, scanning over her. "You don't need to call anyone, baby. We're the only help you're ever gonna need." 

Alexis fought back the urge to roll her eyes. The word 'baby' rolling off anyone's tongue but Deans made Alexis cringe.  

"You know what?" Jo begins. "I think we should wait by my car."

The two women turn, but the man grabs their shoulder as his eyes turn black. "We said get your asses in here."

Alexis grabbed his arm, turning and punching the man. Just then Sam stabbed him in the neck with the demon killing knife. 

Dean set a hand on Alexis's back. "Nice work, ladies."

"Thanks." Jo nods, taking the bag Dean held out. 

Alexis digs through the bag on Deans shoulder, grabbing the outfit she'd stuffed inside. 

"Okay." Jo pulled out pliers. "Shall we?"


"It's Crowley, right?" Sam asks, grabbing the man's attention. He wore a black suit as he walked through the dark hall. 

"So, the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew finally found me." A British accent fills the room as Crowley stops walking. "Took you long enough."

Alexis, now dressed in normal clothes, stood beside Dean, gun in hand. Sam stood on her other side, knife in his hand. Crowley stepped forward, stopping abruptly when noticing the crumpled rug. He knelt down, flipping it up to see the devils trap. 

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