Chapter 42: Don't annoy me

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This one does not follow an episode

A/N: So this is just a filler to show what Alexis is, I don't know, up to while she's trapped with Eden before we jump into the next episode. Have fun. 😊💕

Alexis stood in front of the mirror, watching her reflection. Hands clasped in front of her, she didn't see the woman she usually did. In fact, now she saw a woman who looked like a princess with the dress and the tiara, but there was no humanity there. No soul. Her eyes looked blank. She wasn't herself anymore. The Alexis that normally greeted her, though she had cracks and breaks, was human. She cared, there was a warmth there before. That was gone. 

New her didn't care she wasn't the same. She didn't care for much anymore. Just like Eden wanted. Even as she stood in front of herself, Alexis couldn't will herself to feel anything about being here. When she'd first arrived she was desperate to get home, to Dean and Madilyn. But now? Now none of that mattered. 

Alexis knew that, under normal circumstances, she'd be tripping over herself to escape. Coming up the out of pocket, eccentric plans that would hopefully rescue her. The more she thought on those old feelings she knew she should be--and would be--feeling, the more she could feel a part of her soul relight, come back to life. 

For a spilt second, Alexis would come back to her senses and turn for the door, but then--like a switch had been flipped--she stopped. She could practically feel the darkness slowly, not as slow as before, creep across the rest of her heart and soul. She knew that darkness was the attachment Eden had put on her. She knew that no matter what, even if she was able to permanently get herself back, there was no way out. Eden's hold had grown strong. Eden had taken advantage of Alexis when she was in a weak moment.

When Alexis felt that she had to do what it took to keep Dean away from Michael no matter what it took. Eden had weaseled her way into Alexis's head in her weakest state, when all she wanted was for the love of her life and her daughter safe and alive. 

Alexis ran her finger along the cool edge of the angel blade before tucking it back in her dress as she shoved away the thoughts that had consumed her every waking moment since she'd been taken. 

"Alexis." James walked in.

Alexis rolls her eyes, turning. "For the last time, James. No." She didn't even sound the same. The way she talked was different. She sounded more regal, snobby. Old Alexis would've punches herself if she'd gotten the chance to see what she had turned into at the moment. 

"Come on, what's holding you back?" James asks, his hands brushing her arms. 

"My dignity and self-respect for starters." Alexis crosses the room to the desk that sat there. Maybe she hadn't lost all of her old qualities. 

James scoffs.

"I said I was done." Alexis snaps her fingers and James exploded into nothing but a pile of blood and guts on the wall.

"That's the fourth thing you've killed." Eden walked in. "I wish you would stop."

"Then don't annoy me." Alexis quips.

Eden rolls her eyes. "We must continue preparing you."

"Go ahead. But I'm ready. I know it."

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