Chapter 24: You infected me

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Sam, interrupted 2

"What is it?" Dean asks as he, Sam, and Alexis looked down at the drawing of a creature.  It had sharp, pointed teeth, thin hair, and wrinkled skin. 

"Well, I bet you a chicken dinner it's what we're up against, a Wraith." Martin answers, looking down at his journal. "They crack open skulls and feed on brain juice."

"You ever tangle with one before?" Sam asks.

"Never." Martin replies. "Never wanted too, neither."

"How do we kill the ugly bitch?" Alexis crosses her arms over her chest.

"Silver." Martin tells her. "You so much as touch a Wraith with the stuff, the skin will crackle. That's the good news. The bad news is they can pass as human. It could be any Peter, Paul and Mary in the joint."

"Fantastic. So how do we find it?" Dean questions.

"A mirror. Lore says a Wraith will show its true form on a mirror." 

"Okay, well, we just gotta spot check every patient, staff member."

"Okay, yeah." Sam agrees. "But--I mean, what's it doing in a mental hospital?"

"A nut house, it's--it's a perfect captive victim pool." Dean replies. 

"Sure." Martin adds. "Who's gonna believe a patient when they say they saw a monster? It's the perfect hunting ground."

"Plus, it's believable when a bunch of nutcases start offing themselves." Alexis shrugs. 


Alexis smiles, picking Madilyn up from her carrier as Vivian sat down. "Hey, sweet pea."

Dean smiles at the baby as she reaches out, grabbing his finger. "Hey, munchkin. Is Vivian torturing you?" 

Madilyn babbles, looking at her parents with a smile.

"I'm not, but I am singing Taylor Swift to her." Vivian crosses her arms over her chest, giving Dean a look. 

Alexis rolls her eyes. "Shut up, you two."

Dean took Madilyn from Alexis. "How's my sweet girl, huh?"

"So how much longer am I going to have to change diapers?" Vivian asks.

"We're close, don't worry." Alexis tells her as she glances at Dean, smiling a little as he tickled Madilyn making her giggle. "We'll be out of here soon."


After Vivian had left with Madilyn, Dean and Alexis stood in a hall by the nurses station. They watch the mirror on the opposite wall as everyone passes. Alexis leans her head on Deans chest as she stood in front of him, his arms around her. 

"What's up, doc?" Dean greets as Erica walks up to them.

"You tell me." The doctor replies. 

"Hunting. A Wraith, actually." Dean answers. "Could be anybody."

"So I could be a monster?"

Dean and Alexis both look at the mirror. "No, you're clean." Dean tells her. 

"Why you?" Erica asks.

"Why me what?" Dean counters. 

"Why do you have to hunt monsters? Why not let someone else do it?"

Dean looks over at her. "Can't find anybody else that dumb." He looks back up at the mirror. "It's my job. Somebody's gotta save people's asses, yours included."

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