Chapter 35: Just stay a little longer

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"I got your message." Castiel's voice made Alexis turn to see the angel swaying back and forth slightly. "It was long, your message. And I find the sound of your voice grating." 

"What's wrong with you?" Sam asks.

"Maybe you're just annoying. Ever think of that?" Alexis asked Sam. 

"Are you..." Sam trails off. "Drunk?"

"No." Cass turns to face the two hunters. He reaches out to grab the wall as he took a step forward. "Yes." 

"What the hell happened to you?" Sam asks. 

"I found a liquor store." Cass rested his head against the wall. 

"And?" Alexis asks, picking Madilyn up.

"And I drank it." Cass stepped toward Sam. "Why'd you call me."

"There you go, easy." Sam reaches out to help steady the angel. "Are you okay?"

Cass gestures for Sam to lean closer. "Don't ask stupid questions. Tell me what you need." Cass sat down on the edge of the bed. 

"There have been these demon attacks." Sam begins. "Massive. Right on the edge of town. We can't figure out why." 

"Any sign of angels?"

"Sort of. They've been speaking to this prophet."


"This girl, Leah Gideon." 

"She's not a prophet." Cass states. 

"I'm pretty sure she is. The visions, headaches, the whole package." 

"Well, Sam, wouldn't you think the literal angel might know who is a prophet and which people aren't?" Alexis asks, taking a seat. 

"The names of all the prophets, they're seared into my brain." Cass looks over at Sam. "Leah Gideon is not one of them." 

"Then what is she?" Sam asks. 


Alexis looked up as the door opened and Dean walked in. 

"We went out looking for you--" Sam began. 

"Dean, are you okay?" Alexis stood, Madilyn in her arms as she moved toward him as she and Sam noticed the blood covering his hands.

"Are you alright?" Sam asks. 

"Yeah, it's not my blood." Dean answers. "Paul's dead."


"Jane shot him."

"Why?" Alexis questions. "So it's okay to commit murder, but don't you dare have beer."

"It's starting." Cass states. 

"What's starting?" Dean asks him. "Where the hell have you been?" 

"On a bender." Cass replies harshly.

"Did he--? You say on a bender?" 

"Yeah. He's still pretty smashed." Sam answers. 

"It is not of import." Cass says. "We need to talk about what's happening here." 

"Well, I'm all ears." Dean walked across the room to the sink, washing the blood from his hands. 

"Well, for starters, Leah is not a real prophet." Sam explains, sitting down beside Cass.

"Well, what is she exactly?" Dean asked, turning to face them.

"The Whore." Cass answers. 

"Wow, Cass, tell us what you really think."

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