Chapter 16: Even when you're 70 years old

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The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 2

Sam and Alexis walk through the last door and to Patrick's room, 3701. A few seconds later the door opens and Dean walks in, breathing heavy. Sam picks the lock to the witches room and the three walk in.

They all spilt up, going to different parts of the rooms. Each hunter searching for the chips. After a while, Dean called out. "Sam. Lexi."

The two walk toward him as he stood in front of a cabinet. He'd found a hidden safe. "Dime store model." Dean mutters. "Piece of cake." He squints, trying to focus on the lock.

"It's like Mission: Pathetic. Watch out." Sam pushes Dean away, unlocking the safe.

"I could've done that." Dean says.

Sam gave him a look, reaching inside and grabbing the chips.

"What are you doing?" Lia, the woman from the bar earlier, walks in the room.

The three turn to face her. "Aren't you the chick form the bar?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, she is." Alexis nods.

"I'm a lot more than that." Lia states, her hand shot out and she clenches her fist. Sam, Dean, and Alexis groan, doubling over.

"It's alright, sweetheart. It's alright. They're harmless." Patrick ran in, stopping her. "You boys want chips? Take them. They're just chips, Einsteins. It's showmanship. This may come as a shock, but the magic does not lie in a pile of crappy plywood or in any phony abrabadabra. It's in the 900 year old witch. You boys want years. Score 'em the old-fashioned way. Texas Hold'em."

"Fine, let's do it." Dean says.

"Hell no." Alexis scoffs.

Patrick holds up a card, a eight of hearts. "What card am I holding up?"

Dean squints, not able to tell.

"That's what I thought. If your eyesight's that bad, what about your memory? I'm not a murderer. You, on the other hand." Patrick gestures to Sam.

"No, Sam." Dean looks over at his brother.


"What, Sam not much of a player?" Patrick asks. "Okay, well, happy trails, Dean. Enjoy the twilight of your life. Should have taken better care of that ticker, though." Patrick opens the door. "You're free to go."

Dean and Alexis walk out the door. Just as Sam walked out, Patrick says, "Oh, and Sam, your brother's situation, that's punishment enough...for Alexis too, but I can't let you leave without a small parting gift." Patrick claps his hands three times.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks.

"You'll find out soon enough." Patrick winks.

"Let's get out of here, Sam." Dean walks off down the hall.


Alexis felt the cold night air nip at her skin as she walked out of the building. She glances at Sam as he walked a little weird, tugging at the upper leg of his jeans.

"Dude," Dean began. "I believe that he-witch gave you the clap."

Sam looks at Dean for a few seconds before walking off. Dean chuckles as Alexis sighs.


Sam, Dean, Alexis walk up the hill. "A little help here." Bobby calls out making them turn. 

Sam walks back over to him, pushing the wheelchair up the hill. "You know, I still think I should play." 

"No, you're not good enough." Dean tells him.

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