Chapter 22: They're about to summon Death and have a slumber party

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Abandon All Hope 2

After finding some gauze and medical supplies, Alexis and Ellen had patched up Jo's wound. But that was it, they could do no more than patch it up. 

Jo groans as Ellen reassures her daughter that she'll be okay. Sam knelt to the floor beside the two, handing Ellen a bowl of water. 

Alexis stood, she couldn't watch someone die when she could've saved them before. She hated the useless feeling. She walked over to Dean with Sam close behind her. 

"How's she holding up?" Dean asks.

"As good as anyone with their insides hanging out can." Alexis mutters, wiping the blood on her hands onto her jeans. 

"The salt lines are holding up." Sam answers instead, sighing. 

"Safe for now." Dean states as he placed the last battery in the radio. 

"Yeah, safe or trapped like rats." 

Dean looks up at Sam. "Hey, you heard Meg. Her fathers here. This is our one shot, Sammy. We gotta take it no matter what." Dean turns on the radio and it worked. "Here we go."

"Sam, some help please." Ellen calls out. 

Alexis sighs. She had just gotten on Ellen and Jo's good side and now she's messed it up. She knew that Ellen resented her for not being able to save Jo. Ellen had known Alexis had the power to save a life. Alexis seen it in how the woman looked at her. But Alexis was useless now. 

Dean, once getting Bobby on the radio, says, "Bobby, it's Dean. We got problems."

"It's okay, boy. That's why I'm here." Bobby's voice shook a little. "Is everyone alright?"

"No, uh, it's--it's Jo, Bobby. It's pretty bad." 

"Okay, copy that. So now we figure what we do next."

"Bobby, I don't think she's...." Dean trails off, unable to finish his sentence. Alexis bit down on the inside of her cheek as she set a hand on his arm, squeezing. 

"I said, what do we do next, Dean?" Bobby replies. 

Dean ran a hand over his face. "Right. Okay, right."

"Now, tell me what you got." 


"Before he went missing did Cass say how many Reapers?" Bobby asks after Dean finished explaining everything.

"I don't know. He said a lot of things, I guess. I mean, does a number matter?" Dean answers.

"Devil's in the details, Dean." Bobby counters. 

Dean looked over when Ellen slapped his arm. He held out the mic. "Bobby, it's Ellen. They way he was looking, number of places Castiel's eyes went, I'd say we're talking over a dozen Reapers, probably more." 

"I do not like the sound of that."

"Nobody likes the sound of that, Bobby, but what-what does that sound like?" Dean asks as Ellen walks away. Alexis set her hand on Deans shoulder as she stood behind him. She rested her head on his back, taking a deep breath. 

"It sounds like Death, son." Bobby replies. "I think Satan's in town to work a ritual. I think he's planning to unleash Death." 

"You mean, like as in this dude and taxes are the only sure thing?" Dean asks. 

"As in Dean, the horseman, the pale rider in the flesh." 

"Unleash? I mean, hasn't Death been tromping all over the place? I mean, hell, I've died several times myself." 

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