Chapter 34: We totally could've killed all those demons

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99 Problems 1

Dean glances in the rear-view mirror as he hit the gas, speeding down the dark road. 

Sam glances over his shoulder, clutching his bleeding arm. "Drive faster, Dean."

"I can't."  Dean replies. Sam groans, looking down at the red seeping through his shirt. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm amazing." 

"Sarcasm isn't very helpful." Alexis comments, wiping the blood from her cheek as she glanced at the sleeping baby beside her. 

"Have you ever seen that many?" Dean asks, looking out the back windshield quickly. 

"No way. Not in one place." Sam answers. 

"What the hell?" Dean turns the wheel. The Impala slid, turning onto another road. Ahead of them was a tractor trailer flipped onto its side, fire covering the vehicle. 

Dean hit the brakes and the car came to an abrupt stop.

"Is your goal to give me whiplash?" Alexis asks. "'Cause you're doing great." 

"Damn it." Dean curses, putting the car in reverse and hitting the gas. The car stopped briefly as Dean put it back in drive. 

Alexis winced as glass shattered and hands grabbed her, trying to pull her from the window. 

An arm wrapped around her neck. Alexis struggled to get a breath, but suddenly the grip loosened as water poured down on her and the demon holding her. Alexis wiggled out of his grip, sliding back into the car, breathing heavy as she noticed a truck behind them.

Someone was spraying holy water onto all the demons that had been attacking the Winchesters.

The a man started to yell an exorcism in Enochian through a loudspeaker. The demons screamed, black smoke shooting toward the sky. Bodies dropped onto the pavement as the three hunters stared at the group of people, eyes wide and breathing heavy. 

"Well, that's something you don't see every day." Dean comments. 

"Definitely not." Alexis adds. 

"You three alright?" A man asks, walking toward them as the three get out of the car. 

"Define alright." Alexis mutters.

"Be careful. It's dangerous around here." The man turned to walk away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait." Dean calls out, walking around the car.

"No need to thank us."

"No, hold up a sec. Who are you?" 

The man turns to face them. "We're the Sacrament Lutheran Militia."

"I'm sorry, the what?" Dean asks.

"I hate to tell you this, but those were demons and this is the apocalypse. So buckle up."


Dean lifts the hideaway trunk to reveal the weapons filling the car. The leader of the militia nodded a little, inspecting them. 

"Looks like we're in the same line of business." Sam states. 

"Yeah, and among colleagues." Dean adds. "It's a police-issued shotgun." He gestures to the weapon in the mans hand. That truck is, uh, inspired. Where did you guys pick up all this crap?"

"You know, you pick things up along the way." Another man replies with a shrug. 

"Guys, well, this whole corner of the state is nuts with demon omens. We just wanna help. That's all."

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