Chapter 31: That's better than dead

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Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 2

Sam, Dean, and Alexis sat in Roy's Diner, talking in hushed tones.

"So, what do you think?" Sam asks, staring at his cup of coffee.

"There's nothing to think about." Dean counters, setting his own cup down. "We're not gonna leave Bobby with the bride of Frankenstein."

"But she hasn't hurt anybody." Alexis looked down at the counter, running her finger over the rim of her cup. "Bobby loves her to death, you can see it."

"Then what do you want to do?" Sam asks Dean. "Just walk in there in front of Bobby and blow her skull off? And Dean, what if you were in his shoes and it was Alex?"

Dean glances at Alexis, his heart clenching at the idea of her being gone. "If she decides that Bobby's face is the blue-plate special, I'd like to be there."

Sam sighs. "Fine. See what else we can find out."

Dean dropped some cash onto the counter, standing. He grabbed Madilyn's carrier as the three head for the door.


Dean leans against the hood of the Impala as Alexis sat beside him. Deans eyes were trained on Bobby's house. Alexis closed the book she'd been reading to Madilyn, setting it aside.

At the sound of Dean gasping Alexis looked over to see Karen standing beside him.

"Oops. Did I scare you?" Karen asks as Dean straightens up.

"No, no, no, no. There's nothing scary about you at all." Dean replies, subconsciously moving to block Alexis and Madilyn with his own body.

"Feel like some lunch?" Karen asks.

"Uh, we're good. Thanks." Dean nods.

"Come on, there's more pie." Karen turns to walk away.

"I don't think that Bobby wants us inside." Dean tells her.

"Guess it'll have to be our secret then, huh?" Karen says. "Come on."

Dean shares a look with Alexis.

"There's pie." Alexis shrugs.


Dean and Alexis sat in Bobby's kitchen, eating pie. They both look up to notice that pies and other desserts lined the entire kitchen and most of the places in the living room as well. Bobby sat in the recliner, asleep.

Karen closes the doors to the living room, moving back to the counter where she continued to bake more. She look over at them. "She's adorable." Karen smiles, her eyes on Madilyn. "How old is she?"

"Uh, four months." Alexis ran a hand over Madilyn's head as she sat in her lap.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess you like pies." Dean says as he sat atop the table. "Did you bake all these?"

"I don't know what it is." Karen replies. "Since I got back I can't stop baking."

"When do you have time to sleep?" Dean asks.

"I don't. Must be the excitement."

"Or being dead."

"Dean." Alexis hisses, smacking his arm. "You are so uncivilized."

"I know you don't trust me." Karen began, kneading the dough that would soon be yet another pie crust.

"Why would you say that?" Dean asks.

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