Chapter 14: I'm calm

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This one does not follow an episode

Alexis sat at the table, reading a book. She flips the page, her eyes widening. "Dean?" She says, her voice beginning to shake.

"Yeah, darlin'?" Dean replies from his spot on the bed as he flipped through channels on the television.

"I'm having the baby."

"What? Like, now?" Dean shot up, moving toward her.

"Yeah, like right now." Alexis gripped Deans arm as he helped her up. Her breathing shortened, panic setting in as Dean ushers her toward the door while panicking himself. He grabs the bag Alexis kept sitting by the door.


Alexis clutched Deans hand in hers, groaning. She tightens her grip on his hand. Beads of sweat rolling down her face as tears prick her eyes. "No, I--I can't--"

"You've got it, Lex." Dean reassures her, running a hand over her hair.

"What do you know? Are you pushing an 7 and half pound baby out of you?" Alexis snaps. A nurse laughs quietly.

"Alright," The doctor began. "You've got to push."

"Once this is over, I'm kicking you in the balls, got it?" Alexis squeezes Deans hand tighter and shutting her eyes.

Alexis felt everything start to blur, and she only snapped out of it when she heard a shrill cry. She opens her eyes as the doctor placed the baby on her chest. She looked down at the baby.

Alexis had saved lives but she'd never felt a feeling like the one blooming in her chest at the moment. As she stared down at the little baby on her chest, she felt a sense of hope, love. She'd never loved something more. Tears filled her eyes.

"You're one hell of a woman, Lexi." Dean smiled at her, staring down at his daughter.

Alexis gently ran her her finger over the baby's cheek. "Sorry about saying I was kick you in the balls."

"Its alright." Dean chuckles.


Alexis sat in the hospital bed, watching as Dean held their sleeping child against his bare chest as he sat beside her bed. The two look over at the sound of a quiet knock on the door.

Sam stood in the doorway. Dean stood, a proud smile of his face. Sam stepped into the room, meeting Dean at the foot of the bed.

"Sammy, meet your niece, Madilyn Taylor Winchester." Dean looked down at his sleeping daughter. Madilyn began to wake up, looking up at Dean with her big green eyes.


Alexis held Madilyn in her arms, watching the small child. She rocked her back and forth slightly, smiling down at her. Alexis heard the door creak open and she looked up. Dean smiled at her as he walked in.

"Hey, darlin'." Dean leans down, pressing his lips to her head.

"When can we get out of here?" Alexis asks softly. "I feel like I'm going insane."

Dean chuckles as Alexis gently handed Madilyn over to him. "A few hours and we can leave."

Alexis pushes herself up off the bed, trying to ignore the pain. She reaches up, and Madilyn curls her small fingers around Alexis's pointer finger. Alexis smiles, looking up at Dean. "We're parents now."

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