Chapter 4: Ringing any bells

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Good God, y'all 2

Alexis watches as Dean paces in front of the door. The sound the preacher praying with everyone quietly echoing from behind her as they sat at the other end of the table. A loud knock on the door made Dean look through the peep hole before opening the door. 

Ellen walked in and Dean looked at her. "Where's Sam?" He asks. 

Ellen dropped her gun on the table, shaking her head as she sat down.

"They took him?" The pregnant woman asks. "Demons took him? Oh, my God. What if they're in here--the demons?"

"Could they get in?" The pastor asks.

"No." Dean tells them. He grabs a gun from the floor. "Everybody sit tight. I got to..." Dean trails off as he reaches the door. He stood still for a few seconds. Alexis moves toward him, gun in hand as she set her other hand on his back.

"Dean...?" She whispers.

He glances over his shoulder at her, then everyone else. "Okay, we need to get a plan together. Tell me everything." Dean moved back to the table, taking Alexis's hand. 


"Dean, one of 'em's in Jo." Ellen says as she sat across the table from Dean and Alexis. "We got to get it out without hurting her." She scoffs. "It called me a bitch."

"Bruise a little easy, don't you think?" Dean asks. 

"No, that's not what I meant." Ellen corrected. "It called me a black-eyed bitch. What kind of demons are these? Holy water and salt roll right off. My daughter may be an idiot, but she's not stupid. She wears an anti-possession charm. It's all kind of weird, right?"

"Very." Alexis nods. "Very weird." 

"Lex is right. The whole thing's off." Dean adds. 

"What's your instinct?" Ellen asks. 

"My instinct?" Dean echoes. "My instinct is to call Bobby and ask for help. Or Sam."

"Well, tough. All you got's me, and all I got is you. So let's figure it out." 

"Oh, yeah, just leave me out like I'm zero help." Alexis rolls her eyes. 

"Alright." Dean nods. "Do you know why Rufus came to town? Was there a specific omen?"

"He said something about water. That's all I know." Ellen explains. 

"Oh, well, that's helpful." Alexis says. 

Dean looks over. "Padre, you know what she's talking about--the water?"

"Uh, the-the River--ran polluted all of a sudden." The pastor walks over to the three. 


"Last Wednesday." Austin, the guy who'd been in the military, answers. "And the demons thing started up the next day." 

"Anything else?"

"Anything at all." Alexis adds. "It doesn't have to seem relevant."

"Maybe. But it's pretty random." Austin says. 

"Like Lexi said, it doesn't matter. Random's good." Dean shakes his head. 

"Shooting star, does that count?" Austin asks. "Real big, same night--Wednesday." 

"That definitely counts." Dean looks around, standing up and moving to the bookshelf. He plucks a book from the shelf and sits back down, flipping to the back of the book. 

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