Chapter 33: Didn't we just go over this?

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Dark Side of the Moon 2

"Go, go, go." Dean grabbed Alexis by the hand as he took off running. The three ran through the woods, jumping over fallen tree limbs until they reached a fallen log. They all duck behind it, breathing heavy as they hide from the angels. 

"Wow." Zachariah's voice sounds. "Running from angels, on foot, in heaven. With out of the box thinking like that I'm surprised you three haven't stopped the apocalypse already." Zachariah snaps his fingers and it was daytime. 

"Guys. What's the problem?" He laughs. "I just want to send you back to earth, that's all." 

The three hunters lean up to see the angel with his back facing them. They duck back down as he turns.

"I mean, that is, after I tear you a cosmos of new ones." Zachariah continues. "You on my turf now. And by the time I'm through with you, you're gonna be begging to say yes."

When Zachariah turns, Sam, Dean and Alexis take off running. The come to a stop when the angel was suddenly in front of them.

"Guys, come on. You can run, but you can't run."

They turn, running off in the opposite direction. The hunters come to a stop when a man in a gold cape and a luchador mask held out a hand, gesturing for them to stop. "Shh. Hurry. This way."

Sam, Dean and Alexis follow him to a shed as he draws a symbol on the door. He opened the door and walked inside. The three hunters follow and they walked into a bar. 

"Wait. Who are you?" Sam asks. 

The man pulled off the mask and cape. "Buenos dias, bitches." Ash greets. 

"Ash?" Dean asks. 

Ash claps and the lights cut on. "Welcome to my blue heaven."

"God, the Roadhouse. It even smells the same." Dean comments as he walks further into the building. 

"Bud, blood and beer nuts." Ash says, walking around the bar. "It's the best smell in the world. How about a cold one?"

The three shrug, taking a seat.

"Up here, no hangover." Ash tells them, setting three beer cans in front of them.

"So...heh. I mean, no offence--" Sam began.

"How's a dirtbag like me end up in a place like this?" Ash fills in. "Been saved, man."

"Sam, you are the single most uncivilized person I have ever met." Alexis sighs.

"Man, I was my congregation's number one snake handler." Ash continues. 

"And you said this was, uh, your heaven?" Sam asks.

"Yep, my own personal." Ash tells him before shotgunning a beer.

"And when the angels jumped us, we were--"

"In your heaven."

"So there are two heavens?"

"No, more like 100 billion. So no worries, it'll take them angel boys a minute to catch up."

"What?" Dean asks.

"See, you gotta stop thinking of heaven as one place. It's more like a buttload of places, all crammed together." Ash explains. "Like Disneyland, except without all the anti-Semitism."

"Disneyland?" Sam repeats.

"Mm-hmm." Ash nods. "Yeah, see, you got Winchesterland, Ashland, a whole mess of Everybody-Else-Lands. Put 'em all together, heaven. Right?"

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