Chapter 18: You might say he's money hungry

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Changing Channels 1

"Real." Dean reaches out for Sam and Alexis. "It's real." Dean dropped to the floor, groaning. Alexis fell to her knees beside him as blood pooled out of his back, staining the white coat crimson. 

"No, no, no. Hey! We need a doctor!" Sam yells.

"Hey, look. It's not that bad." Alexis tells Dean. "You'll be fine." 


Dean lay on the medical bed, starring at the floor and white tennis shoes as Sam and Alexis stood on each side of him. 

Sam placed a piece of gauze on the bullet wound, the white piece of fabric turning red. 

"BP's 80/50 and dropping." A nurse tells the two. Sam nods his head. 

"Doctor." Another nurse held out a scalpel. 

"What?" Sam asks. She gestures with the medical took and Sam shakes his head. 

"Sam, Lex, do something. Come on." Dean hisses. 

Sam leans closer to Dean. "I don't know how to use any of this crap." 

"Figure it out." Dean demands. "Sam, come on. I'm waiting."

"Okay, well, who says we have to use this shit?" Alexis asks. "Do you think there's dental floss around here somewhere?" 

Sam nods. "Okay, um, I need a...penknife, some dental floss, a sewing needle, and a fifth of whiskey." Sam says. A few seconds pass by of silence. 

"Oh my god." Alexis mutters. "Stat! Now." 

Everyone jumps into action.


Sam cuts the last piece of dental floss and Alexis starts wiping the blood from Deans back.

"We okay? How's it looking?" Dean asks. 

"Yup. You'll be fine." Sam reassures. 

Alexis cleans away the rest of the blood before placing a piece of gauze on the wound and taping it up. Sam looks up to see Dr. Piccolo standing outside of the window, crying. She mouths the words 'I love you.'

Alexis pats Deans shoulder. "All good."

Suddenly the sound of people clapping and cheering rung throughout the room. People were yelling in Japanese as Alexis looked around. Sam and Dean were strapped into boots on a pedestal with red buttons in front of them. Alexis looked down at herself to see was in a red, floor-length dress with a slit up the right side almost reaching her hip. 

The blue doors behind Sam and Dean open and a man runs out. "Let's play Nutcracker!" He yells making the crowd erupt in applause. 

Alexis then noticed the clock with twenty seconds on it in bright red numbers. She looked over at the other hunters. "What is going on now?" She asks, speaking loudly so she was heard over the crowd. 

Dean turns to look at her, his eyes falling over her body. "Lex, you look--" Dean was cut off as the music stopped and the man, who Alexis assumed was the host, pulls out a card from his jacket. 

"Sam Winchester." He begins. He continues in Japanese, looking at Sam. "Count down." He had asked what the name was of the demon who he'd chosen over his brother.

The clock starts, ticking down from twenty. 

"Uh, what am I supposed to say?" Sam asks, looking at his brother. 

"You think I know?" Dean replies. 

"Say anything." Alexis hisses. 

"Uh, I don't--I don't understand Japanese." Sam leans forward, looking at the host. 

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