Chapter 1: Just go search for Lucifer?

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Sympathy for the devil 1

Dean grabs onto Alexis' hand and Sams jacket. "Sammy, lets go."

"Dean..." Sam grabs Deans shirt. "He's coming."

"Come on." Dean pulled Alexis with him toward the doors. The two doors slammed shut, locking the hunters inside.

A high pitched buzzing filled the room as the circle grew and the light grew brighter. The three hunters turned to face the light.

Covering their ears and dropping to their knees, the three hunter close their eyes against the light.

Suddenly the buzzing was gone and the light dimmed.

"What the devil is your name?" a voice asks.

"Its--Its--Its Yosemite Sam." Another voice stutters out.

Alexis lowered her hand, opening her eyes and looking around. The voices came from a small TV screen on the airplane chair in front of them.

"What the hell?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Sam replies.

Alexis clutched Deans hand in hers. "How did we...?"

"Folks, quick work from the flight deck." A voice over the PA says. "We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City on our descent into Baltimore, Washington."

"Ilchester? Weren't we just there?" Dean asks.

The plane shoots downward and a white light fills the sky. The oxygen masks drop down in front of everyone as the plane dives toward the ground.


Sam cuts on the radio.

"And Governor O'Malley urged calm saying its unlikely a convent would be a target for terrorists--"

"Change the station." Dean says.

Sam did.

"Hurricane Kinley, unexpectedly slamming into the Galveston area--"

"Announced a successful test of the North Korean nuclear--"

"A series of tremors--"

"Swine flu--"

This time, Sam cuts the radio off completely. He sighs. "Dean, look, I--"

"Don't say anything." Dean cut him off. "It's okay. We just gotta keep our heads down and hash this out, alright?"


"Alright, first things first. How did we end up on Soul Plane?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. Angels, maybe." Sam suggested. "I mean, you know, beaming us out of harm's way?"

"No. We pissed all of them off." Alexis sighs.

"Well, whatever. It's the least of our worries." Dean shrugs. "We need to find Cass."


The three hunters look around Chuck's bloody kitchen. Everything was either knocked over, covered in blood, or both. A rustling sound came from the living room making the three move in that direction. 

Alexis looked over when she heard Sam groan. Chuck had jumped out from the hall and hit him with a plunger. "Jeez. Ow." Sam complains, setting his hand on his head as he stumbled backwards. 

"Sam?" Chuck asks.


"Hey, Chuck." Dean calls out. 

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