Chapter 19: Please tell me we're not playing this dumb game

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The Real Ghostbusters 1

The 1967 Chevy Impala speeds past the 'Welcome to the Pineview Hotel' sign. Dean parked the car, killing the engine. The three hunters jumps out, heading for the front door.

As they run through the parking lot, Dean and Alexis notice the three other Impalas parked there.

"Dean. Alex. Come on." Sam urges.

Once reaching the front stairs to see Chuck pacing back and forth.

"Chuck. There you are." Sam call out.

"Guys?" Chuck asks.

"What's going on?" Dean questions.

"Uh, nothing. You know, just, uh, I'm just kinda hanging. What are you guys doing here?"

"You told us to come."

"Uh--no, I didn't."

"Yes, you did." Alexis nods, adjusting the baby carrier in her arm.

"You texted me. This address. 'Life or death situation.' Any of this ringing a bell?" Sam adds.

"I didn't send you a text."

"We drove all night." Dean says, anger seeping into his tone. 

"I'm sorry. I-I don't understand what could--Oh, no." Chuck rolls his eyes.


"Sam?" A familiar voice squeals. The three hunters turn to see Becky at the top of the stairs. "You made it." She ran down the stairs, stopping in front of Sam. 

"Oh, uh, Becky, right?" Sam asks. 

"Oh, you remembered." 

Dean rolls his eyes. 

Alexis sighs. "Oh, god." She mutters. 

"You've been thinking about me." Becky states. 

"I--" Sam began. 

"It's okay. I can't get you out of my head either." 

"Um, did you take my phone?" Chuck asks her. 

"I just borrowed it from your pants." Becky glances over her shoulder at him. "And it's not stealing if you're friends with the person, right, Alex?"

"Yeah, I did say that." Alexis nods. 

Chuck sighs. "Becky."

"What?" Becky asks. "They're gonna wanna see it." 

"See what?" The three hunters ask at the same time.

"Oh, my god." Becky mutters. "I love it when they talk at the same time." 

"Hey, Chuck. Come on, pal, it's showtime." A new voice calls out from the top of the stairs. A man in a yellow shirt waves toward the door. Becky runs off. 

"Guys, I'm sorry...for everything." Chuck heads for the door, the three hunters following. 

"Oh, well, this can't be good." Alexis mumbles, taking Deans hand and pulling him along. 

Walking into the hotel, nothing seemed off...yet. Not until a guy dressed exactly like Dean passed by them. He laughs. "Hey, Dean. Looking good." 

"Who the hell are you?" Dean asks. 

The man looks back at him. "I'm Dean too. Duh."

"Have I officially lost it or....?" Alexis trails off.

Dean turns back to Sam and Alexis, his eyes widening. Alexis looks over her shoulder to see a man dressed like the pagan scarecrow god she and Dean had killed years ago. 

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