Chapter 36: We've got nothing

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Point of No Return 1

"Sending someone a Candygram?" Sam asks, standing in the doorway of Deans motel room. 

Dean stopped, his glass of liquor raised halfway up. He turned around to face his brother and wife. "How did you find me?"

"Well, you're gonna kill yourself, right?" Sam shoves his lock pick back in his pocket. "It's not too hard to figure out the stops on the farewell tour." 

"I'm not going to kill myself." Dean says.

"No?" Sam asked.

"Dean, you asshole. We're supposed to be in this together." Alexis tried to keep her voice even, but anger seeped into her tone as her voice shook. She glanced around, noticing the box and the letters on top that sat on the bed.

"So Michael is not about to make you his Muppet?" Sam continues. "What the hell, man? This is how it ends? You just walk out?"

"Yeah, I guess." Dean grabbed the bottle of liquor, filling his glass. 

"How could you do that?"

"How could I?" Dean counters. "All you've ever done is run away."

"And I was wrong every single time I did." Sam admits. "Just--Please. Not now. Bobby is working on something." 

"Oh, really? What?" Dean asked. 

"It doesn't matter, we can--" Alexis began. 

"No, Lexi." Dean cut her off. "You got nothing and you know it." 

"If the world is gonna burn, fine, but at least we'd be together." 

"You know we have to stop you." Sam says. 

Dean set down his glass. "Yeah, well, you can try." He looked to Sam. "Just remember, you're not all hopped up on demon blood this time." 

"Yeah, I know." Sam nods. "But we brought help." 

Dean turned right as Cass appeared. The angel pressed his fingers to Deans head and the two disappear. 


"Yeah, no, this is good, really." Dean says as he paces Bobby's living room. Cass stood in the doorway as Sam, Alexis and Bobby sat at the desk, books in hand. "Eight months of turned pages and screwed pooches but tonight, tonight is when the magic happens." Dean leaned against the wall. 

"You ain't helping." Bobby tells him. 

"Dean, at least try to have a little faith in us, in me." Alexis looked over at him as Madilyn turned the page of her book. 

"Yeah, well, why don't you let me get out of your hair, then?" Dean looked at Bobby after his eyes briefly meeting Alexis's. 

Bobby looked up. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Reality happened." Dean pushed off the wall, moving toward him. "Nuclear is the only option we have left. Michael can ice the devil, save a boatload of people."

"But not all of them." Bobby argues. "We gotta find something else." 

"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. If Lucifer burns this mother down and I could've done something about it, guess what, that's on me." 

"It'd be on me too, Dean." Alexis turned toward him. "If I said yes to Eden, she could take on the devil. She said it'd be a hell of a lot more difficult, but she could do it." 

"You can't give up, son." Bobby tells him.

Dean scoffs. "You're not my father." 

"Dean." Alexis hissed. 

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