Chapter 30: What is wrong with these people

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Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 1

"Bobby, listen." Sam says as he, Dean and Alexis get out of the Impala. "When you get this message, call, okay?"

"Is he still not home?" Dean asks as they all walk toward the door of the diner. "How far could he get in that chair?"

Dean pulls open the door, letting Alexis in first. Alexis gave him a small smile, letting her free hand brush his side as she passed. 

"So, what do we do?" Sam asks as the door closed behind him. 

Dean nods to the man in the corner booth alone. "Well, guess we just do it ourselves." Dean set a hand on Alexis's back, leading her across the diner. Sam followed. 

After taking a seat across from the man and ordering coffee, Dean asks, "Mr. Wells, why don't you tell us what you saw in your own words?" 

"Call me Digger." 

"Digger?" Dean repeats, bouncing Madilyn on his knee in hopes of keeping her calm and quiet. He nods. "Who--Who gave you that name?" Dean asks, a smile on his face.

"I did."

"You did?" Alexis questions. 

"You gave yourself your own nickname?" Dean adds. "Can't do that."

"Who died and made you queen?" Digger quips, looking at Dean. Alexis bit back a smile.

"Okay, why don't you just tell us what you saw?" Sam suggests. 

"I saw Clay Thompson climb into Benny Sutton's trailer through the window. Couple minutes later, Clay walks out and Benny's dead." Digger explains. 

"And, uh--" Dean unfolded a paper he had. "Is this the guy you saw?" He asks, holding up the paper. 

"He was all covered in mud, but yeah. That's Clay." Digger nods. 

"And you are aware that Clay Thompson died five years ago?" Sam asks. 


"But you saw him climb through some man's window?" Alexis asks. 


"And you're positive that it was this guy?" Dean flips the paper back around for him to see. 

"You calling me a liar?" Digger asks. 

"No, no, no. Of course not." Sam intervenes. "Look, can you think of any reason why Clay Thompson, alive or dead, would wanna kill Benny Sutton?"

Digger laughs. "Hell, yeah. Well, five years ago, Benny's the one that killed Clay in the first place."

"Is that a fact?" Dean asks, sharing a look with Sam and Alexis.

"Well, yeah, so called hunting accident. But if you ask me--" Digger leans forward. "Clay came back from the grave to get a little payback."

"Go on." Dean presses. 

Digger looks behind them, sighing. "Heads up. Fargo." 

"Digger." A female voice sounds as Alexis looks up to see a police officer. 

"Sheriff." Digger greets. 

"Lady, gentlemen, I'm Sheriff Jody Mills. I don't believe we've had the pleasure." She turns to look at the three hunters. 

The three pull out their badges. "Agents Dorfman, Neidermeyer, and Plant. FBI."

"Welcome to Sioux Falls." Jody tells them. "Can I ask you what you're doing with Digger here?"

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