Chapter 32: If he asked

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Dark Side of the Moon 1

Alexis began to stir when she felt Deans foot hit her leg for the millionth time. She groans, kicking him back. "Stop it." She hisses. She opened her eyes to see two men standing at the foot of the bed, guns pointed at them. Sam was already awake, sitting still. She looked over to see Dean propping himself up on one elbow.

Alexis scoffs, rolling her eyes. 

"Morning." Dean says. 

"Shut up." A familiar voice comes from under the ski masks hiding the identities of the two men who'd broken into their motel room. "Hands where I can them."

Dean lifted one hand as Alexis lays back down. 

"Wait a minute." Dean says, sitting up fully. "Is that you, Roy?"

"Huh." Alexis sat up. "No way."

"It is, isn't it?" Dean asks. He looks over at the other guy. "Which makes you Walt. Hey, Walt." 

Roy and Walt share a look. "Don't matter." Walt takes off his mask, dropping it to the floor. Roy copied his action.

"Well, is it just me or do you two seem a tad upset?" Dean says. 

"You think you can flip the switch on the apocalypse and just walk away, Sam?" Walt asks the younger Winchester, keeping his gun trained on him. 

"Who told you that?" Sam asks.

"We ain't the only hunters after you." Walt cocks the gun. "See you in the next life."

"Hear me out. I can explain. Okay? Please."

A few seconds of silence pass before Walt shoot Sam in the chest. Dean jumped, moving toward his brother. 

"Stay the hell down." Roy threatens. 

Walt turned his gun toward Alexis, shooting. Pain flared through her chest as she fell back, her back hitting the bed as everything went black.

"Lex." Deans hand shot forward toward her. 

"Shoot him." Walt tells Roy.

"Killing Sam and Alexis was right, but Dean..." Roy began.

"He made us and we just snuffed his brother and wife, you idiot. You wanna spend the rest of your life knowing Dean Winchester's on your ass? Because I don't. Shoot him."

Dean turns to face the two. "Go ahead, Roy. Do it." Dean turned his whole body to face them. "But I'm gonna warn you, when I come back, I'm gonna be pissed."

Roy hesitated. 

"Come on." Dean yells. "Let's get this show on the road. "

"Come on already." Walt says, shooting Dean. 


When Alexis woke up, she was greeted by the sound of Patience by Guns 'n' Roses floating through the air. She opened her eyes, looking around. Where am I, she thought. She looked up, her eyes catching the star filled sky. 

She looked to her right when she heard a familiar laugh. Dean lay beside her on the hood of the Impala. She was taken aback at first because the Dean sitting beside her wasn't now Dean. It was 1996 Dean Winchester. 

Alexis met his eyes as he smiled and she realized where she was. It was October 5th, 1996. She and Dean sat in a field, stargazing from the hood of the Impala as music filled the night air. 

Alexis stared at Dean as he continued their conversation word for word of what it was all those years ago. A smile stretched across her face until the sound of a gunshot echoed. She jumped into a sitting position as she flashed back to getting shot. 

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