Chapter 41: Oh, great, a family reunion

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The Devil You Know 2

Dean finished tying Brady up as Sam walked in. Crowley had just given him a whole speech about how he shouldn't be here. Alexis took Madilyn from Sam, pulling her close.

"Sam." Dean says, walking toward his brother.

"What's going on, Dean?" Sam asks.

"I need you to stay on mission." Dean tells him, running a hand over Madilyn's head. "Okay? Focused."

"I don't understand. What's all this about?"

"I'm doing this because I trust you."

"You trust me to what?" Sam asks as the demon begins to wake up.

"Sam?" Brady asks. "Sam, is that you?"

Dean moved back toward Brady, pulling the bag off his head.

"Brady?" Sam asks.

He chuckles. "Brady hasn't been Brady in years. Not since, oh, middle of our sophomore year."


"That's right. You had a devil on your shoulder, even back then." Brady tells him. "Alright, now, let it all sink in."

"You son of a bitch." Sam says. "You son of a bitch. You introduced me to Jess." He yells, moving closer to the demon.

Dean pushed his brother back.

"Ding, ding. I think he's got it." Brady smiles.

"Damn it, Sam." Dean mutters as Sam fought against him.

"I'm gonna kill you." Sam hisses.

Dean finally was able to push Sam out of the room as Alexis followed behind. Sam tried to go back in, but Dean shoved him back. "Hey, that's enough."

"Get out of my way." Sam demands.


"Get out of my way, Dean."

"There is only one way to win." Dean held up one finger. "And it ain't by killing that thing in there."

"Well, sounds like you got him nice and fluffed." Crowley walked up to the three. "Thanks so much." He walked into the other room where the demon waited.

"Listen to me." Dean continues. "We need Pestilence to get at the devil. And we need Brady to get to Pestilence."

"Why?" Sam asks. "Because Crowley said so? We trust me now? Like I trusted Ruby? Or like I trusted Brady back at school."

"Of course not. This isn't about trust, its about stopping Satan and if we so happen to have to work with a demon to get that done, so be it. Lesser of two evils here." Alexis tells him, adjusting Madilyn on her hip as the baby babbles to herself.


Crowley walk into the living room of the abandoned house as Dean sat in a chair across the room, beer in hand and Madilyn in his lap as Alexis sat beside him. Books were scattered on the coffee table. "How'd it go? Buy your Girl Scout cookies?" Dean asks.

"Not yet." Crowley answers, looking around. "Where's your moose?"

"He's cooling off."

"Alright, then, get bent." Crowley began to turn to the door.

"You going somewhere?" Dean asks.

"Well, he won't budge." Crowley answers, looking back at the two. "So now I go stick my neck out."

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