Chapter 10: There's no way in hell Abe Lincoln killed this dude

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Fallen Idols 1

Alexis sat in the backseat of the Impala, her head resting on the glass of the window as she gazed out into the dark night. 

"So," Sam scoffs. "what's with this job?" 

"Dude suffers a head-on collision in parked car?" Dean counters. "I'd say that's worth checking out." 

"Yeah, definitely." Sam agrees. "Uh, but we got bigger problems, don't you think?" 

"I'm sure the apocalypse will still be there when we get back." 

"Yeah, I don't think it's going anywhere." Alexis sighs. 

"Right, yeah, but, I mean, if the Colt is really out there somewhere--" Sam began. 

"Yeah, we've been looking for three weeks. We got bupkus." Dean argues. 

"Okay, but, Dean, I mean, if we're gonna ice the devil--"

"This is what we're doing, okay. End of discussion." Dean pauses, looking out at the dark road ahead. "It's just that this is our first real case back at it together. You know, I think we ought to ease into it, put the training wheels back on."

"So, you think I need training wheels?"

"No. We. We need training wheels. You, me, and Lex as a team. Okay." 

"Okay." Sam nods. 

"Well, Lex isn't going to be very helpful." Alexis mutters. "Since I'm going to pop any second now." 

"You'll be just fine, sweetheart." Dean reassures her before turning back to his conversation with Sam. "I mean, I really want this to be a fresh start, you know? For the both of us."

Sam looks over at Dean. "Okay." He nods his head. 


Sam, Dean, and Alexis stood in the Canton, Ohio police department. "Agents Bonham, Copeland, and Lee." Dean says as the three hold up their badges. 

"Rick Carnegie. Good to know you." The officer held out his hand, shaking each other theirs. "So you're here on account of Cal Hopkins' death?"

"That's right." Sam nods. 

"Well, afraid you came a long way for nothing. We already booked the guy that did it." 

The three hunters share a look. "I'm sorry. Why do you think did it?" Sam asks. 


Alexis sat at the confrence table beside Dean and Sam as Rick sat on the other side while they watched a video tape. 

"Hey, Cal, you alright, man? I thought I heard something." The voice behind the camera says, walking toward the shelving unit. He walks around it to see Cal leaned forward, his face buried halfway into the windshield. "Cal!" The voice yelled, dropping the camera.

Rick leans forward, turning off the tape. "Sicko taped his own handiwork." 

"I don't follow." Sam shakes his head. 

"It was Jim Grossman that killed Cal." Rick states. 

"He did?" Alexis asks. 

"Wait? What?" Dean adds. 

"Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles." Rick explains. 

"They were best friends." Sam argues. 

"Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim." 

"And how exactly did Jim slam Cal into the windshield with all the force of an 80-mile-per-hour crash?" Dean asks. 

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