Chapter 20: Maybe don't let monsters and ghosts get the jump on you

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The Real Ghostbusters 2

Sam shoves his cell back in his pocket, walking up to the table. "Alright. So that was a guy with the County Historical Society." 

"And?" Dean asks, bouncing Madilyn on his knee. 

"Not only did Leticia Gore butcher four boys, but one of them was her own son." Sam explains.

"Her son?" Dean repeats. 

"Yeah. According to the police at the time, she scalped the poor kid." 

"Oh, that's it, I'm gonna deep-fry this bitch, extra crispy." Dean shakes his head. "Dude say where she was buried?"

"Doesn't know."

"Oh, well, isn't that helpful?" Alexis handed Madilyn her pacifier before looking up at the brothers. 

"Check it out. There's the orphanage, here's the carriage house, and right there, cemetery." The tall lanky man points to the map on the table between him and the other guy.

"You think that's where Leticia's planted?" The other guy asks. 

The three hunters stood, walking toward the two men. 

"It's worth a shot."

Sam goes to grab the map from the table. 

"Hey, hey. Hey, you mind." The two guys stood, taking the map. 

"It's real." Sam states. "A century old at least and he's right, there is a cemetery on the grounds."

"Where did you get that?" Dean asks. 

"It's called a game, pal." Damien, the guy who claimed to be Dean, says. "It ain't called charity."

"Alright. Give me the map, chuckles." 

"You're the chuckles, chuckles."

"Well, he's got the horrible comebacks part of your personality right." Alexis shrugs. 

"Besides, Dean don't listen to nobody." Damien continues, opening his jacket to reveal a fake gun.

Dean rolls his eyes as Alexis laughs a little as Dean handed Madilyn to her.  

"Dean, cool it." Barnes, tall Q&A guy, set a hand on Damien's arm. 

Dean pulled out his gun.

"Dean." Sam complains. 

"What?" Dean asks, putting his gun away. "They're freaking annoying." 

"I agree." Alexis nods, noticing how Madilyn's eyes were getting heavy. 

"Okay, guys, we all wanna find the bones, alright?" Sam began. "We just thought it would go faster if we all worked together."

"Ahem. We get the Sizzler gift card." Barnes clears his throat.

"Fine." Dean rolls his eyes.

"And we get to be Sam and Dean." Damien adds. 

Dean shares a look with Sam and Alexis. "Fine." 

Alexis set her hand on his back, running her hand up and down. 


"Hey, Rufus, Bobby, Alexis, would you hurry it up?" Damien glances over his shoulder at the three hunters. 

"You alright?" Sam asks. 

"I'm trying to be." Dean answers. 

"So where we we?" Barnes asks. 

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