Chapter 25: What is wrong with you?

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Swap Meat 1

"Dean and Sammy Winchester. Alexis Hart. So how long has it been?" Donna sat down, placing a plate of cookies on the coffee table between them.

"Summer before sixth grade." Sam answers as he, Dean, and Alexis sat on the couch opposite of Donna and her teenage daughter.

"I remember, you assigned yourself your own reading list."

Dean chuckles. "That's right. I forgot about that."

"Your mom happened to be the best babysitter we ever had." Sam says.

"When I was a maid at the Mayflower, out on the interstate." Donna looked over at her daughter. "Long before you were even an idea, their daddy used to pass through town and leave the boys and Alexis with me while he went off to work. One time he was gone for two weeks."

"Two weeks?" Katie asks.

"Mm-hmm. He always came limping back. He loved you boys."

"Do you know what he did all that time?" Katie asks.

"Little Sammy kept trying to tell me." Donna tells her. "Of course, I didn't believe him. Not at first, anyway."

"Yeah, Sam's always had a problem with keeping his mouth shut." Alexis jokes as Madilyn pulled at her shirt. Madilyn leans toward Dean, making grabby hands at him. She grabs onto his jacket sleeve. Dean reaches over, picking her up. He sat Madilyn down in his lap.

Sam shot Alexis a look before turning back to the others. "Katie, our dad, uh, happened to be an expert at getting rid of ghosts and now so are we."

"That's why I called them, sweetie. They can help us." Donna set a hand on her daughters knee.

"Sounds like you guys got yourselves a poltergeist." Dean tells them as Donna's husband walks in the room, setting down a suitcase.

"Started a month or two after we moved in."

"Yeah, at first it was, uh, just bumps and knocks and scratches on the wall and then it started breaking things." Donna adds to what her husband said.

"And that's when it attacked Katie?" Alexis asks.

"That was two nights ago."

"Can you show them, honey?" Donna asks Katie.

Katie nods, lifting the blanket off her lap. She stood, lifting her shirt to reveal the lower half of her stomach. 'Murder Chylde' was carved into her skin.

"Murder Child." Sam read. Katie dropped her shirt, sitting back down.

"Katie." Dean began. "Everything's gonna be fine, I promise."

Katie smiles, nodding her head.

"Why don't you guys take yourselves a vacation and, uh, we'll take care of it." Dean continues as Madilyn stuck her hand in his coat pocket. Alexis smiles a little.

"Thank you." Donna sighs.


Alexis sat at a table in the diner with Madilyn in her lap as she waited for Dean. Sam sat across from her; eyes trained on his laptop. She looked up when Dean sat down beside her, a blue tray of food on the table in front of him.

Sam grabbed the cup of salad, not looking up from the screen. Dean handed Sam a fork. Sam poured some salad dressing in the cup, putting the top back on and shaking it.

Dean looked at him. Sam met his eyes. "Oh, you shake it up, baby." Dean tells him.

Alexis chuckles as Dean handed her a burger. "Thanks."

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