Chapter 1- Choose one

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Lotus knew that her father had taken Liu Fugui's three bags of millet from the neighboring village and replaced her ...

its like her father decided her marriage for three bags of millet... what a wonderful life

She knew that she was 21 years old and she was not outstanding. This is probably the result, but Liu Fugui was  of Shiliba Village The famous  drunkard, the first wife was beaten by him and when  she couldn't stand it... they divorced.

She didn't want to jump in the fire pit.

She told her dad that please  stopped her marriage  with thay drunkard Liu Fugui, but her dad glared at her, saying that you already twenty-one... who will marry you... you already old... Both of your sisters are married,or you wants  to eat and drink all your life here with your parents..we raised you ... now its our turned to decide  what good for your future

Lotus said that she did not eat and drink in vain, and she worked for her family. Her father rounded his eyes and scolded her ..

How can she match her Dad?

Getting married early is serious!

Dabao ( her brother) is sixteen this year, and it's time to touch find wife for him, letting people know that there is an unmarried daughter in the family, which one is willing to marry their girl...

Speaking of which, lotus is nothing, she is not a man with strength, although she has been working as Man for her family.  ....

she still wanted to talked  to Her Dad...

The lotus's father got angry and scolded the lotus again.

At the end,  her Dad picked up the broom  to tech her good lesson...and then blasted her out.

When she walked out of the room, her mom gave her a pityful look, and this is the only one she could give her pitiful daughter.

Lotus sipped her smile, and the corners of her mouth hadn't cracked yet.

Her mother was shouted by the angry father in the house to serve  him food

The lotus stood at the door for a while, then she went to cook as usual....

When she went out, she saw Xiaobao  jumped back  and forth ....playing outside.

The lotus beckoned Xiaobao and said,

"i cook the rice and put it on the stove. After a while, you tell the mother and father .... that I don't want to eat anymore. I will come back im while"

Xiao Bao nodded and blinked his eyes, saying

: "Where are you going?"

Lotus laughed

: "you to eat first.... just wanted to walked around  dont worry"

Xiao Bao nodded

: "Don't come back too late, be careful that the wolf is holding it."

Lotus touched his head and smiled, and went out. In fact, she had no place to go, but just didn't want to hold back at home.

She turned around in the village and unconsciously walked to the entrance of the village. From a distance, she saw the fool Chang Long sitting on the big rock at the entrance of the village and looking out.

Lotus knew that Chang long was waiting for his grandmother.

His grandmother would go a long way every day to gather herbs in the mountains. At this time of the day, Chang long would wait here and then help his grandma to the basket back home.

Everyone in the village knew that long was a fool.

Lotus hadn't spoken to him for a long time. At this moment, she suddenly wanted to talk to someone.

A fool who is the best candidate.

The lotus walked to Chang long and he didn't react as if he didn't notice it.

"Wait for your grandma?" said the lotus.

Long  turned back, staring at the lotus for a while, as if thinking about who she was.

After a while, he snorted, and turned back to continue looking at the village entrance.

Lotus sat down next to him, did not mind that he ignored her, and said for a while after silence

: "I'm going to marry someone, my father took Liu Fugui three belt millet  ...  exchanged me for him to fill the house."

Long didn't answer, didn't look back, just looked at the path of the village entrance as seriously as it didn't matter to him anything

Lotus ignored him, just whispering her head down and  like a whisper

: "Liu Fugui is a bastard, and has forced his wife to death... I don't want to marry him, but my father has taken him three bags of millet. i know I can’t change it, but if anything comes into my dad’s hand, don’t think he will return it to others..."

"He just scolded me, saying that I was eating food at home in free but I didn’t eat it. I followed him to work on the ground every day. Do you think there is a girl in our village who went to the ground? They said I was black Girl, did I get black all of a sudden, I worked under the  sun..... ."

The lotus was aggrieved, paused, sniffed, and said

"When I was sixteen or seventeen year old those people come with good introduced me to candidate for marriage....but my Dad refused, he was afraid that I leave No one at home worked for him... Over the past four to five years, Dabao has grown up to deal with things, and he thinks I'm annoying... But I don't want anyone who wants to drag me into my twenties? It’s all my fault now..."

The lotus felt more and more uncomfortable, the tears turned around her eyes for a while, she couldn't hold it down, she didn't want to shed tears in front of the fool, she hurriedly raised her hands to wipe it, but the more she wiped her tears, the more she couldn't stop pouring out , And finally ignored it, letting the tears run down the cheeks.

Long turned back to see the lotus crying, looked at her for a while, lowered his head and took out a small handful of peanuts from the pocket of the dress, spread it in front of the lotus, looked closely, and picked the biggest one and put it back to his Mouth pocket, put the rest in front of her eyes.

The lotus stagnate for a moment and wiped her tears and said,

"Why are you so disrespectful, and Give me the big one! I want the big one!"

Long didn't squeak, only covered the mouth pocket with the other hand, fearing that the lotus would rush to grab

Lotus glared at him angrily, grabbed the peanut in his hand and stuffed it into her mouth.

Long looked at the empty palms, and then looked up at the peanuts in the mouth of the lotus. 

"Choose one."

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