chapter 25 Dont provoke

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When farming season started, Dabao brought a large bag of grain to the Changlong's family, and he said that it was his Mom who asked him to send it.

Lotus knew that according to her moM's temper, she would never dare to send her such a large bag of food under her Dad's eyes...and it must have been her dad's acquiescence.

It’s like a mirror in her father’s heart.

When she married Huo’s family, it was late summer and early autumn. The food on that half acre of land was harvested with a sweat and blood of Long... even though they paid taxes and sold other half. After paying the money, they still left too little ...

But there is still a lot of food left in her Father’s side if not  her dad, who never loses money, can give such a big bag of food so generously.

But thinking about that, Lotus is still willing to believe that her father loves her because of  how he send her grain...


After Widow Chen's trouble broke out, Lotus secretly asked her mother.

With hatred  her Mom gritted her teeth and scolded Widow from head to toe, and said that her father probably felt embarrassed, to meet her ..ther is nothing go well.

in past whenever something went wrong, he find someone to scold and then slowly get angry beat that person but now he is very down-to-earth, although the temper is still there, but he never went to the woman's house again.

Lotus breathed a sigh of relief, and her mother asked her mysteriously again

: "look...there is no curtain between us as mother and daughter.. let me asked you ... is it you who burn that shameless woman's house that night?"

Lotus said with care

" could i dare... If it was me, where would I be able to burn house of other people at night? even i wants to do... Then first I lock the door and burned the woman to see How can she hook up with other woman's man...!"

Mom read Amitabha and took Lotus's hand

: "Don't say that, the woman deserves to be struck by thunder, you don't provoke God for her... we are good people so dont hurt anyone ok.. God have millions of eyes to watch never wrong anyone"

Lotus knew that her mom is afraid to make trouble and she is simple woman... so she said,

"Mom ...You can rest assured, that woman is like a fox and how many women hate her in whole village, we  don't need to dirty our hands, this time maybe her luck  which save her but there will be no next time "

Mom : "Yes, I heard your third aunt said that when they pushed the door in that night, there was no wooden stick on the door.... Was it someone who deliberately made it..let them open easily? I am also confused."

Lotus comforted her mother again, saying nothing but letting her mother put her heart in her stomach and live her life smoothly

Lotus coaxed her mother to believe her, but the villagers all started to blame was like... that ...she had a fight with Widow Chen.

because  after their fight.... within two days there was fire  and there was no wooden stick on the door.

village people knew that someone had deliberately set fire to expose the scandal of Widow Chen.

Although there was something wrong with Widow Chen’s character, but a lot of people clapped and praised that person who burn her house but thinking about Lotus's fight with Widow Chen ... it may possible that Lotus to set fire in the middle of the night, the villagers were also wary of her, and they always greeted her with a smile.

The women gradually started to move away from her.

they thought she was a woman who loved to set fire to the house and could not provoke her.

what if they provoke her their house be next...

for this Lotus is quite helpless, and the feeling of being left out in the end is uncomfortable  and she has to comfort herself that people are so afraid of her now but it's better than laughing at her

Besides, that widow Chen is now completely infamous.

After that night, Feng Lai disappeared, and he probably went to another village like he used to.

Widow Chen did not go out but  hide for so many days, she dared not go out.

Widow Chen was in a squandered situation for more than half a month, and finally couldn't bear to open her face.

She stood at the gate of her house and scolded people saying  that More than half of the men in the village crawled under her , licking her feet and urinals, they were willing to wait for her!

Without the ability to control your own men....who fall to my door and now who the women burn my house in the middle 9f the night!

Whenever a woman passed before her eyes, she laughed all the time, and said how many times she slept with other men

In this way, which woman dared to approach her

they felt angry, hateful and afraid, no one want a trouble with her

Afterwards, Widow Chen broke the jar completely, and stopped pretending to be a good girl.

Every day, she swam all over the place, hoping to see a man and flirt.

Lotus thinks that her mother is really good to say  about men's nature....the man is really a piece of cartilage, some people really go to her house without thinking anything.

On several occasions, Lotus also met strange men from other villages.

In the words of her mother, she was opening the door and doing a bitch things.

Several old people in the village thumped their chests, and they only scolded the village for the bad weather.

If they go backwards for decades, they would not be able to see the pig cage for ten times.

Although Lotus also felt very disgusted to live in such a village with such a woman, it was known that her father had no trouble with that woman, so she was relieved, as long as she didn't come to provoke her,  Not related to her...

At noon on that day, Lotus carried the basket uphill to deliver the meal as usual.

After passing a small path, she saw a man and a woman standing under the wall and talking. The woman wore a red floral dress and was conspicuous

only a glance and Lotus  recognized ...its widow Chen.

She thought that the man’s back was familiar, and she fixed her eyes. She was so shocked that she didn't walk away. Isn't that man is...


The heart of Lotus hung up all at once, and the seeds in her head burst into flames, and she yelled angrily


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