chapter 14 Punishment

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Lotus smiled faintly and said

"I'm all right because of you."

In the evening, Lotus did not follow Changlong to the village entrance to pick up grandma.

When the two of them entered the home, Lotus saw that Grandmother's face was not pretty.

She knew that today's thing could not be hide, even  grandma did not like to chat with others, but , someone good person tell her about  it

As soon as Grandma  came back, Kotus greeted her and said,

"I boiled the porridge and made omelet..."

She didn't finish her words, and  grandma turned back to the house with a cold face.

Lotus was guilty and only went to the house to silently arrange the meals and sat side by side with ChangLong and waited.

After a while,  grandma came and her face did not improve, but she did not mention anything.

She just sat at the table started to eat.

She didn't speak, and Lotus didn't dare to say anything, so she sat in a chair and carefully looked at grandma's face while eating.

but here .... her good husband  open his mouth

"Today Lotus is sick, I brought her back."

Changlong suddenly broke the silence.

Lotus glanced at Changlong for a long time, and wondered why you have so many things to say!

If she didn’t knew he was a fool, she must suspect that he had deliberately filed a complaint around her.

grandma's eyelids didn't lift up, not even "hummed"

Long stared at his grandma for a while, as if waiting for her to reply, seeing that she did not respond, he said again

"I take care of her whole day, covering her with a quilt, put handkerchief on her forehead, gave her medicine.... Zhou Fuzi....send it to me.....then..i applied."

"Well." Grandma said softly, seemingly not interested in what Changlong said.

Lotus glared at Changlong and couldn't wait to force his foot under the table.

Long did not look at her at all, only tilted his head to look at his grandma with a look of anticipation

grandma deliberately disregarded it and just took their her dishes to eat.

Long waited for a long time, lowered his head in disappointment, and said angrily

: "I love and care my wife and you said that if i love and care about my wife you gave me a peanut.

I covered her with a quilt,

put a handkerchief,

and wiped medicine.

Give me three peanuts..."

After hearing this....Lotus,

she almost bit her chopsticks. She tilted her head inexplicably and glared at the Long

When she reacted, she was so angry that she had been touched for a long time for nothing.

It turned out that he treated her like this for only a few  peanuts? !


Grandma threw chopsticks heavily on the table and got up and left.

Lotus was trembling with fear, and couldn't wait to be angry.

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