chapter 10 Go together

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Why are you here?"
Lotus asked when the two entered the mountain.

"You are late...."

Changlong replied

"The shadow is over the big stone. You haven't come yet, and you come here every time when the shadow touch the big stone.... you come everyday on time .. today you are late... "


Lotus responded and said

"Don't tell grandma about this ... today's matter"

Long looked at Lotus

: "Grandma said that good people cannot lie."

Lotus said

: "We don't lie to her, we just don't say that to her. if Grandma knows this she will be angry. If she gets angry, she will get sick. Do you want grandma to get sick?"

Long shook his head

Lotus : "So you can't say it, do you know?"

After He thought, he nodded again.

Although it was no longer the hot season, the sun at noon was still very dry.

Lotus and Long found a shade to sit down and took out their food.

The small dishes were all sprinkled in the basket and basically could not be eaten.

Lotus only picked up a few biscuits that had not fallen on the ground.

Then poured a little soup in the bowl and handed it to him.

The water in the jar also basically ran out. There was only left to the bottom, and Lotus handed it to ChangLong.

Long took a look at it, took a sip, and gave it back to Lotus.

Seeing that there was a little left it for her , she turned her head back to look at Changlong’s eyes, looking at her, knowing that he had left it to her specially, and was a little touched in her heart, and took a sip.

After the meal, he can’t rest like others

Long  is about to get up and work. Lotus pulled him and said,

"Rest for while."

Changlong pointed to the tree shadow on the side and said,

"The shadow has reached the stone."

Lotus said

: "we eat late today so rest for while.. it's ok...for today"

ChangLong : "No, the shadow reach the stone and it's time to work...time to work."

Then he got up and walked out of the shade.

Lotus sighed she know she can't stopped him.

After  that she  packed all things.. she followed him to move the stones, pull out the weeds, to clean the land.

After she was tired, she sat on the side stone and rested.

But Changlong hasn't stopped for a while, and just work hanging his down and doesn't feel tired.

Lotus was sitting on the side looking at him.

He was hoeing roundly. His jacket was taken off ...
his waist and his strong chest and shoulders were exposed.

Like the croppers, his body was dark and sweat beads were flowing down his neck.

The sun shines straight, and he doesn't look like a fool at all.

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