chapter 4 - Fight

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After asking a few questions, someone finally said that he saw ChangLong carrying a farming tools and went down.

Knowing that she hadn't lost him, the Lotus was relieved, but she heard that he was doing work in the ground, and she got a heart pain again...

The only half acre of land in the ChangLong's family gave her father as bride gift, where is he going to farm now?

Don’t be stupid and go there again.

She was thinking about it, and she saw Dabao running away from a distance, dragging her arm and anxiously said

: "Sister, go quickly, the brother-in-law and our father are fighting in the ground!"

Lotus immediately ran into the field, and the villagers on the side heard and they also want to watch lively show, and they hurried over.

When Lotus arrived, ChangLong was working silently alone, while her father stood aside in a huff, and while sleeving his sleeves, he asked Dabao to pulled ChangLong out .

Dabao looked at his father and ChangLong, but he didn't dare to move.

father was angry and he greeted the ChangLong after copying the hoe.


Lotus screamed and shouted her father.

father saw  Lotus coming and scolded

: "You Damm girl! Just married yesterday and helped others calculate your own father! This place is clearly the gift offered by his grandmother. Acknowledge the account! This is the land of my house now! You quickly pull your man away from here!"

After seeing this scene in front of her, Lotus had already guessed what was going on.

No matter how her father scolded her, she walked straight to ChangLong and said in a hurry

: "ChangLong go home."

Long ignored her and only buried his head to work, and Lotus didn't know what to say.

She just stretched out her hand and pulled his sleeve and said,

"ChangLong, this is not our land, let's go back..."

After listening to this, ChangLong stopped, and looked up at her with a straight and strong voice

: "This is the land of my house, the land left by my grandfather."

The Lotus was choked back, speechless, looking at Long's expression and feeling sorry for him.

Her father saw it and scolded

"What about you two acting together in a big show?!

Your grandma gave me the ground! It's my family's property now! Do you dare to regret it and don't blame me to kill you!"

Long didn't look at the Lotus's father at all, only shouted to the Lotus and said aloud,

"This is the land of my house, it was left to me by my grandfather."

Lotus's father scolded back

"Don't pretend to be stupid! This is a gift... don't you understand! I gave you my Daughter she is your wife.. your grandma exchanged it...This place must belong to me!"

Long froze for a moment without understanding, and looked at the Lotus in confusion.

Lotus was guilty of looking at him, bit her lip and looked down.

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