chapter 32

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Not long afterwards, He walked out and lock the stoveroom and maindoor... went again in bedroom and lay down

Lotus rushed angrily shouted

: "Why did you lock the stoveroom... main gate?!"

Seeing Changlong squeaked, she slapped him hard again and said

"Don't Act stupid with me, I told Sun Xianggong to send him things , what do you mean by locking the door?! As master Zhou Fuzi told me before he left,  help his friend. Are you so stingy?! Get the key out soon!"

Lotus talked for a long time, Long just ignore her, and was silent in the quilt.

Lotus was so angry that She turned to the outhouse to pick up the firewood used for the ondol and barely tied a small bundle... And some Bowles and cups ..

Then She shouted in the house

"Aren't you not opening the door for me? Then you will sleep alone on bed tonight !"

After that, she took things and went out. She walked to the door of the courtyard and looked around again. She saw a small slit in the window of her house.

Long was lying on bed looking out. When she looked back, he crackled..... Closed the window with a loud bang.

"The miser!"

Lotus stared into the room and turned away.

She reached Sun Xingzhou's residence .... She heard the lively laughter in the yard. She was embarrassed to go in. She knocked on the door and handed things to Sun Xingzhou.

Sun Xingzhou thanked her again and said that their are all men in the room so its not good enough to invite her to come in and sit.

he only asked her to wait a moment and then returned to the house.

After a while, he came out again and took something out ... At first glance, it is a small box of rouge.

Sun Xingzhou said

: "Yesterday you said no for anything, but I thought I should send you something to express my heart, and I don't know what you like. I think all girls like rouge , so I bought it on my own initiative. This, I hope you don’t dislike it."

Lotus was suddenly at a loss. If she refused will it look bad, she looked at the little box of rouge but hesitated.

She has never had this thing, but her little sister have it...which  bought by her sister-in-law when she went into the city to sell vegetables.

She applied it back every time she returned to her parents  house ... (with her red face and red lips. )

She likes to envy her little sister in heart.

She secretly thinks that when she marries someone, she will ask him to buy it for her

Lotus is a little emotional, she really wants one, but As newly wed wife to till yet she doesn't seem to receive any single thing from her husband yet..especially this kind of thing...

She was hesitating to refuse, but Sun Xingzhou opened his mouth first, and said

"It's not valuable, so sister-in-law just accepts it. It really won't match you and Brother Huo has given me the food to eat these days...Im selfish, I just want to trouble you so long, and I don’t have anything to return your help ...I feel uncomfortable. If you don’t accept this thing, I will not feel easy .. and I am really embarrassed to talk to you again."

Lotus knew that she should say something politely, but looking at the tiny box of rouge, she felt itchy and reached out to catch it unconsciously.

Sun Xingzhou said with a smile: "This is it."

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