chapter 48 to be a father

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The fool is about to be a father, and the villagers have a chat topic after tea and dinner.

Seriously, it is said that this fool's child is not a fool. Some people say no, in addition to being desperate and unlucky, Long's father and mother are ordinary people who are good-looking while still alive, and even Long's grandfather, who was also a first-class figure in the village.

It’s impossible for his old Huo family to be stupid since generations.

Some people say that even if that child not born a fool, but as born by a fool, that child may become stupid eventually...and will sit together with his father under the big tree waiting for great-grandmother...

It's funny.

The unreasonable thing people talked about that
"don't look at that fool ..who are stupid in the day, but at night  he crawled into his wife's qulit and it really made him get a child."

There are also people who are joking about that who might climb on whom.

That Long is stupid and fool..

His Face and body is not bad at all. In the day, sleeping with such a man under the covers, even the thin-skinned girl can't stand it.

Everyone heard a haha ​​and smiled enthusiastically to discuss the affairs of the other couple.

Sometimes, by chance,

Changlong passed by, and everyone greeted him with teasing tone

"Long, how is your wife? How many months?"

"Long, why are you going there...dont you know serve to your wife"

"Long...  boy or girl that your wife is pregnant with?"

Long's avoid them as usual, but if someone yelled,

"Long, to be a father?"

Long's eyes light up... he smile and muttered himself
: "Well, Long is going to be a dad... my Lotus going to give me , my baby..."

This simple sentence surprised the people in the village.

Because Long grew up in this village since childhood, except for the few people he knew, it should never be talked with others.

The fool started talking, and all the people in the village were very fresh. Many people would joke or curiously call him out to Changlong every day

: "Changlong, are you going to be a dad?"

Therefore, Long answer many times a day

: "Well, isn't it normal to married have baby with his own wife"


On the other side, the news that Lotus is pregnant makes the Li family who has not been relieved from Xing's matter finally see the light, and the whole family is happy.

Knowing that the land on Mountain had been confiscated, Lotus father also asked Dabao to carry the grain to Long's  house and said that it is the blood of his Li family that was in the belly of Lotus.

Hr is afraid that his Daughter and grandchild would not starve to death.

Lotus knew what her father's temper was like, and was afraid that Grandma would be upset by his words and behavior

But grandma is not so narrow-minded, and have been much more cheerful in the past six months.

And she didn’t mind,but only laughed and said that I lived in a village for so many years, what kind of person is your father, but his mouth is stink... he’s happy for you and his grandchild that's why
He send us grain...

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