chapter 5 - Throw her out

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After entering the house,

Changlong wash up and entered the house, and Lotus washed her hands to make lunch.

After the meal was done, she went into the back room and asked Changlong to eat, but Changlong pushed her little baggage into her arms and said,

"You go back, I don't want you as my wife, you go back and return my land to me."

Lotus took the burden and set it aside, said

"The meal is done, let's eat first."

Long picked up a small bag and stuffed it into the lotus arms again. While pushing her out. ....he shouted

: "You go."

Lotus was carrying the baggage and was pushed outside by the Long, and she almost pushed on the ground by him.

Long closed the door from the inside and plugged the door to block her on the door.

Lotus whispered on the door

: "Long, open the door, let me  in."

There was no response, and through the door slit lotus saw ChangLong turned back to the house.

She shot the door a few more times, and it was in vain after all.

At lunchtime, the men working in the field  returned home , passing her doorway, and looked at her curiously.

That look made the Lotus ashamed, and she hide the burden in her arms.

Unable to hide at all, she knew that the villagers got new topic to laughed...she... her marriage... her husband... fool husband...

In the afternoon, the sun was very full, and there was white smoke on the ground.

The village was quiet, adults and children all took a nap at home, and only Lotus sat alone on the stone steps in front of the door with a burden.

Soon, the last shade in front of the door also disappeared, and Lotus was dizzy by the sun.

She stood up and patted the door again and said,

"Long... open the door for me, I'm dizzy..."

No one answered. She thought Changlong might not have heard it at all.

He might lie down in the room with a fan and take a nap just like everyone else.

All the grievances in Lotus slipped out at this moment.

She took two steps back and shouted loudly in the yard

: "you stinky Dog  ! You open the door for me! What is the ability of a big man to bully a woman! You bastard! You open the door for me! If you don’t open the door for me, I will beat you ! I slap your mouth! Screw your ears! !”

Lotus shouted outside for a while.

It didn't do anything but make her more angry and wronged.

Finally, she gave up and yelled at the door and walked away with a burden.

She didn’t know where to go, and she definitely couldn’t go back to her mother’s house, so she would become a woman who was laid off  ..... The first day of her marriage, she was taken off by her husband, or she was laid off by a fool, and her father would scold her....  Her mother cant help her much ...  she has no face to stay in this village. .

Lotus went to the entrance of the village unconsciously, holding her baggage.

She looked at the path outside the village. She was hesitant and frightened.

Not to mention that she had nowhere to go. She dont have money...she just going to  Starve to death on the road if she leave...

But turning back to look at the village, she felt helpless and helpless.

She was swept out of the house by a man, and her family did not going to let her return from husband's  house....She is now a big joke in the village.

It is a hard life on the left and right, and there is nothing to lose. lets die by hunger or by nature... she just walk... leave everything behind...

She hugged her baggage and left the village.

There is no one on the trail outside the village. At first, she was a little bit happy to escape from bitter sea, but the more she walked outside, the more uneasy she felt.

she hummed song to make herself bold. Walking around, she heard a footstep in front of her, and she panicked

She was afraid that the villagers would see her running away from home, and she was afraid of bandits and robbers. ...too...

She was panicking to find a place to hide, and the man in front had turned out.

The coming person was Zhou Fuzi who came back from the neighboring village

When he saw Lotus, he was surprised and saw a bag in her arms.

He asked,

"Lotus... what are you... Where are you going?"

Lotus hugged her little bag and rubbed it backwards, her face sullen, and she didn't know what to say.

Zhou Fuzi is not a local, but she vaguely remembers that he was probably same age as Dabao when he came to this village.

He was not very old. In Lotus's opinion, he was at least ten years younger than her father.

He set up a primary school in his house. Some villagers sent their children to  him for study . Everyone called him Master.

Zhou Fuzi knew some medical techniques, and it was said that it was handed down by his ancestors. They were too far away from the county seat, and there was no doctor for a few miles. Since he came to this place, people asked his help as doctor...

Zhou Fuzi was the first scholar she met in her life, and probably the only one.

In her eyes, Zhou Fuzi and the people in the village are so different.

His clothes are always neat and tidy. Even the old patched gowns look very graceful on him, but they are better than others.

He always had a good smile on his face. Even if someone disrespected him or even spoke swearing, he was never annoyed. For so many years, she had never seen him fight with others...angry..

Lotus still remembers that when she was a child, a group of little girls gathered around to whisper.

They all said that when they grew up, they would marry Zhou Fuzi, or a scholar like him.

At that time, she seemed to have said such thing too. It has only been more than ten years, the girls in the village have been married one after another, but Zhou Fuzi has always been alone.

Everyone will be accustomed to it for a long time. one day he will return with wife

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