chapter 22 Lesson for long

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Lotus saw that Changlong was angry, but she didn't know what she did wrong.

During these two days and nights, he always ran three or four times to the latrine.

Every time he was in a hurry, he couldn't even wear clothes. She was just afraid that he would freeze.

She wanted to ask him if he was uncomfortable, but she was embarrassed to speak about the matter there, and even if she asked him shyly, he probably wouldn’t answered  her

He hadn’t speak with her for two days.

A word.. a single  word

Lotus sighed and stood on the bed side for a while, lying sideways looking at the long wrapped in a quilt, thinking she should tell this to Grandma ...

even if she was scolded and punished by her.... she wanted to understand..

What is the root cause of Long's behavior.... so she can find a way?

On the evening of the second day, Lotus took advantage of time and told everything  to Grandma

Grandma didn't immediately count on her with a cold face as she expected, but frowned and looked dignified.

Lotus said in reproach

: "This time I was wrong. I shouldn't take him with me... I won't do it again in the future... but I don't know how he become like this..  I only hope that he won't hold back his emotions like this... I...I.."

As just was speaking  with Grandma

Changlong came back from picking up water, and when he entered the courtyard, he put the bucket aside and went to the latrine first.

Grandma looked at her eyebrows and tightened her head tightly, saying,

"Let's eat first."

For dinner, the porridge and pancakes made by Lotus were cut with some pickles of their own pickling.

In the past, Changlong had to drink at least three bowls of porridge. At this time, the bowl of porridge in front of him was still not finished

Lotus knew that he was afraid of drinking too much water to produce urine, but he didn’t drink much water in the daytime.

Now he doesn’t even drink porridge, but fears that he will get sick if he is ill. She pushes the porridge bowl towards him.

: "I put red dates in the porridge today, you try it."

Long didn't behave like he doesn't hear and his eyelids didn't lift nor his head he just gnawed at the dry cake.

Lotus : "Why don't I put a spoonful of sugar for you? "

She said that she had to go to the stove room to get the sugar jar, and only got up and was stopped by the grandma.

"What kind of sugar need to put in it, its already good, this is very good."

After that, she turned to Changlong,

"Your wife work hard to cook it for you...
  you drink two more bowls."

Changlong pinched the cake and shook his head.

Grandma said

: "You don't listen ..what I said, do you? I asked you to drink porridge."

Long glanced at  grandma and stretched out the porridge bowl like a deliberately mischievous child.

Grandma lifted her chopsticks and said,

"Put down the pancake. Today you will either drink porridge or eat nothing."

Long bowed his head for a moment, put the pancake on the table forcibly, and return back to the room.

Lotus was a little overwhelmed by his actions looked carefully at Grandma and saw that she had barely drank two bowl of  porridges and put down the bowl heavily, and got up to follow him

Lotus was very anxious, but it was more tense than going to set fire in someone's yard in the middle of the night.

A person sitting blankly at the table for a while, could not help but tilt her head and eternally eavesdropping outside the house

"I have been loving you for so many years, but now your wings are stiff, and you don’t even listen to my words, and you fight with me on dining table .....

"How old are you and I still have to coax you as a child?

Who can coax you all your life!?"

"why are you looking at me like this?

Or now you dont care about me and your wife?

You just say it, we both leave you horizontally and let you live alone for a lifetime..."

Lotus listened to the words of  grandma, and the tone was not Angry or annoyed but sad

but Changlong has not said a word,

There was a moment of silence in the room, and there was grandma's voices again

" its just you pee and wet a pair of trousers, what a big deal, no one said anything about you, what you are doing here ? showing stubbornness."

"Lotus hates!"
Changlong finally opened his mouth, as if he was very angry

Lotus was a little angry when she heard it outside,  she didn’t wait to slaughter him, but she heard grandma said,

“It’s good to say...

so she let you run to the toilet every day?

You ask your heart,

what’s wrong with her behavior?

How long has it been since she left her house and... here..she living with us..

is it easy for her....

she cook delicious food for you?

All the clothes you wear are her needlework.

she still follow you to work in the mountains every day.

Which daughter-in-law is like her in whole village?

You dont think about her good things but you wet your pants and blaming  her for what ?

but did she force you to urinate the trousers?

Let me asked her to return to her parents house,

she is beautiful and hard working ... any man will marry her ...she dont need you... a stubborn  husband...

she dont need to suffer with  you,

let's see... who will going to play with you in the future!"

Lotus was a bit stunned after listening..

On weekdays, grandma's smiles were rarely seen.

From time to time, she counted her two sentences, making her always think that she did not do well enough.

At this time, listening to these words surprised her, and at the same time she wanted to cry

She grew so big that this was the first time she heard someone praise her and understand  her well

There was another silence in the room.

Lotus stood at the door holding her breath.

After some time she hear Changlong’s whisper

"I know it's not her's my own problem..."

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