chapter 29 Cat and Rat fight

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One night a few days later

Changlong laid the mattress for him and Lotus, as usual, took out his little box for the last time before going to bed, poured all the peanuts on the table, and put them one by one, Counting as he put it in...

after he put the last peanut on the table into the box, he found a terrible thing

: peanut...

one less...

He picked up the box and searched carefully on the table, there was nothing missing.

He hurriedly poured the peanuts on the table again, and put them back one by one as before, but still one less.

Counting it again

counting it again

he counted five times in total, indeed one less.

Changlong stared at the ground and turned in a circle.

He did not see any peanuts falling on the ground.

He was very careful when pouring out. There should be no peanuts rolling down, but he was still kneeling with hope On the ground, lying down, under the table, under the cabinet, every small gap was not let go, and he touched his pocket again, went to the bed and ripped the quilt seriously, no, no...not at all...

Not long afterwards, Lotus came into the roo. and saw a mess in the room, the bedding on the bed was spread out in a mess, all the cabinet doors were open, and the table and chairs were no longer in their original positions, and Changlong lifted the cabinet aside, and kept talking in his mouth

: "It's gone..."

Lotus : "What is this for? What are you doing?"

Long was unreasonable, and he moved the cabinet away. With the last hint of hope, he went to see the ground seam behind the cabinet.

He still didn't see the shadow of the peanut.

is it His peanut flew away.

Lotus said slightly

: "Why you are tossing , look at me... why you made this room mess....

I tell you,if you don't arrange all these tables and chairs back to their positions...I don't allow you to go to bed!"

Long didn't change, he was sweating anxiously when he turned his head, looking at the Lotus anxiously,

"Did you see my peanuts?"

Lotus did not look at him, while arranging the quilt, she said casually

: "Don't you put it all in that box?"

"One less." Changlong grieved.

"one less ..... there is one less"

Lotus didn't care much

: "It is not a big deal.
Isn't there only one missing? for this you tossing the house like this?"

Long was a little angry, shouting at Lotus

: "It's gone

my peanut is missing!

I counted well!

I remember correctly!"

Lotus said

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