chapter 36 MESS

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MOM was still worried and anxious.

She follow Lotus and asked her stay calm.

LOTUS responded in every possible way. When She was dressed, She had to go out before she noticed long

She saw that he already wear the padded jacket and cotton cap and followed her behind the buttocks.

Lotus said casually

: "Why are you following me? Stay at home, I will come back in the afternoon."

Long just shake his head.

Lotus was about to talk, but her mother grabbed a few steps and patted Changlong’s arm and said

"Let him follow you, the way is not too close. I am not at ease as a woman you need to walk alone on the hill. Let Long follow you ... No matter what... Looking at the tall and strong him.. , others have to be afraid of him. They can’t bully you, so let him follow.”

In a hurry, Lotus didn't say more, only said

: "OK, then we're going, please go back home, don't worry."

Then Lotus and Long ran from the village to the back hill of their wasteland, and over the mountain, They wore thick cotton coats in the winter and the ground was covered with snow.
It hard to walked let alone run two of them run away, they have been slipped by the snow under their feet several times.

Fortunately, they have a lot of snow and thick clothes, but they haven’t fallen. Only you pulled me, and I helped you climb Get up and hurry.

When they walked out of the forest and climbed up the mountain, Lotus saw, village of Xing's in-laws family,

their clothes were soaked in sweat.Lotus was tired and her legs were soft, but she did not dare to stop and rest.

She knows the temper of her brother and sister, that the two of them get together, and if no one stops them.. it can really poke the sky into the hole.

She dared to go up to stop the collision. She didn’t like her own father, let alone an outsider. .. who beat their wife.. Thinking of this, she did not dare to delay, and even went downhill into the village.

This village Lotus has only been visited once. She remember where Xing's family lives.

She only watched the villagers rushing to a place on the road. It seemed like they were going to join in the excitement..

She was afraid that she would come late, and hurriedly ran forward. From afar, she saw the carriage of Zhang Dache’s  parked at a door, and the door was crowded with people.

She knew that, and when she got closer, she heard the screams inside.

Counting Tao's voice is the loudest, and she can't wait to dig the grave of other people's ancestor.

Lotus squeezed out the crowd and squeezed in, but it was too late tO STOP.

The yard was already in mess. Dabao pressed the Xing's man to the ground and grabbed his neck collar to raise his fist.

Her uncle and cousin  brother indistinguishable between other family members but the most fierce fight is on the side of Tao's

She is pulling Xing's sister-in-law. The two of them are scolding while fighting with eachothers.

A dry and thin old lady stood aside, and Lotus recognized it as Xing’s mother-in-law.

At that moment, she patted her legs and crying

"Oh! What life has done evil! Encountered this gang Unreasonable Yama! People who come to the New Year to kill people! Don’t let people live! They are going to kill..this old lady's family..."

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