chapter 47 Good news

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Lotus stayed in her family for half a day. After seeing that Dabao was really calmed down, she came home safely.

However, only on the second day the fat girl came to her and said something had happened, but it was not Dabao who ran to Wang's village desperately, but her father went behind her family without saying a word.

Lotus hurried back to her mother’s house, and the family was in a hurry. Her mother pulled her and said that her father had left early in the morning.

She thought that he was working with Dabao and went to home at noon... she asked him about their Dad.. but he said that their Dad left in morning  and he even told Dabao not to be lazy.

Dabao worked whole morning alone, and Thinking about their father's words yesterday, they were afraid that one person would go to Wang's village to settle the account.

Lotus was dumbfounded at this, remembering the last time she and Tao... Dabao had trouble in Wang's  village and thought that second Mr.Wang was not easy to mess with.

Her father is a grumpy person who can't say a few words and has to get started to fight...

Did this person go to Wang's  village to die? !

The whole family panicked. Dabao took his friends to rush there village... but The door of the courtyard was kicked suddenly, and father entered the courtyard with a blank face.

The whole family was stunned for a moment. The dangling heart hadn't been retracted into the stomach. Then Lotus saw that her Father's left hand wrapped with red clothe.
Its blood

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Lotus screamed and rushed past.

LOTUS'S father also did not speak, and his pale face was full of sweat beads.

The family quickly followed, shouting in a panic

"What's going on?! What's going on?! Where did this happen?"

"Dad! Who made it! I slaughtered him!"

"Fat girl, hurry, get the basin warm and warm!"

"Speak to you! What are you doing! Show me!"

dad entered the back room and gritted his teeth to sit on the Chair.. pulled the cloth wrapped around his left hand apart.

The whole family met and exclaimed.

Mom almost passed out, her legs softened, and she stepped forward holding the Lotus father's flesh and cried

: "What's the matter?! What's the matter with your hand? Where are your fingers? Oh my Buddha?! Where is the finger? The finger!"

"Dad!!!" Lotus and Dabao  also rushed past.

Mom cried tremblingly

: "Which god-damn thing is this! This is a life-threatening man! This good hand...Woo... This can be done...Can this still grow out? Ah? Can it grow?"

Dad  finally opened his mouth and gritted his teeth.

"Its already cut will stubble Get me some wine to kill this pain"

The fat girl came with warm water and saw the Lotus father's hand, and shouted infright.

She almost didn't buckle the water basin. When she heard the Lotus father's order, she hurried out and hurried out to get the wine.

The Lotus dad squeezed his left wrist and said,

"Xing's thing is all right. In the future, that wang family will never come, and you are not allowed to go to Wang's village.... we are not relatives anymore."

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