chapter 13 because of you

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As soon as he entered the house, Lotus was carried by him to bed.

While pulling the quilt to tuck her in, he said,

"I always sleep on the bed when I am will be ok."

Lotus struggled

: "I'm not sick."

Long pressed her down again and said,

"You are sick, Zhou Fuzi is doctor. He said you are sick, and the sick person should rest in bed and not move...."

Lotus had no choice but to coax

"I'm fine now."

Changlong shook his head and said,

"No, you are not"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, turned his head went out.

Lotus didn't know what he was going to do.

She got up from the bed and walked to the door. She saw Changlong took a handkerchief and returned.

Seeing her up.. he anxiously stook her back to the bed ... like he is not happy with her behavior.

No matter what she said, he pushed her back into the quilt. he took the towel and folded it carefully  place it on her forehead.

Lotus did not know whether she felt funny or angry, but she said

: "I have no fever, what are you doing?"

Changlong said very seriously

: " you dont understand  anything....

Grandma put this for me when I was sick."

He noticed the scratches on Lotus face, took off the towel on her forehead and wiped it gently, and put it back again. On her forehead.

Lotus feels so stupid as to put a handkerchief lying on the bed, how stupid it is.

It can be seen that Changlong is sitting on the side, and his eyes are good.

"Taking care of"  "patient"

she cant refuse him so dje Kindly sighed

: "Forget it, now I am sick, we will not go to the mountain today, and you will rest for a day...and take care of me"

Long nodded, thought for a while, and said,

"You eat eggs... eggs... do you eat....

When I was sick, my grandma gave me eggs ... "

After talking about it... he turned around and went out.

Lotus didn't even bother to care about him.

she just took the handkerchief from her forehead and turned to sit up.

She felt uncomfortable in her heart.

First, she hated that she hadn’t killed the widow Chen.

Second, she didnt wanted to make such a mess and become topic of joke again in the village...

she wonder what if Grandma scold her when she comes back.

She was so upset that she didn't see the Long after sitting for a long time.. subconsciously waiting for him

She looked into the courtyard, and she saw smoke billowing from the stove.

Lotus was shocked and rushed past quickly. When she entered the stove, she saw that Changlong was lying on the edge of the stove, while adding fuel to the eyes of the stove, while blowing hard, the smoke continued to go out, making him cough.

Lotus covered her nose and coughed a few times, and quickly pulled Changlong out, airway

: "What are you doing,!"

The face of Changlong was smoked black, and he looked at Lotus innocently

"I will cook eggs for you to eat."

Lotus was helpless and sighed

: "Thank you for not kill yourself with this fire..., no more fire...Go out."

After that, she hurriedly entered the stove and saw that the eyes of the stove had been filled By Long .

She covered her mouth and nose with a fire stick Pulling the extra coal out, the pot was opened again, and there were two raw eggs in the cold water.

The lotus was distressed, and quickly scooped the eggs into the bowl.

Changlong stood at the door for a while, rubbed into the room, and said tremblingly,

"I make trouble..."

When Lotus saw his uneasy look, she felt soft in her heart and comforted

"No, it's just a lot of wood and coal....,its ok... I just don't need to eat eggs for this illness, don't spoil it... we haven't eaten lunch yet , You are hungry, I’ll make you omelettes.”

Long heard that he had done nothing wrong, and he breathed a sigh of relief, said

"You don't have to do it, you're sick, you have to rest."

After that, he took Lotus back to the house and stuffed her into the quilt.

Seeing him turn around, Lotus afraid  that he will go to kitchen again so she said..

"Long, I'm sick. ..If you're not hungry, just stay with me and wait for me to get better. Let's eat after while...stay with me... ok."

Chang long nodded hard, seemingly quite happy, immediately took off his shoes and climbed to bed, sitting cross-legged next to her.

Lotus didn't speak anymore. After lying down for a while, she felt her eyelids fight and fell asleep.

When she woke up, she saw Changlong still sitting next to her like he was before going to bed, without even a half expression.

When he saw that she was awake, he didn't speak.

he only twisted his body and rubbed his forward, looking at his expectantly, probably waiting for her to order water and food.

Lotus felt awkward and warm in her heart, and she was moved.

She lifted the quilt and sat up. She suddenly noticed something fell from her face.

When she looked down, it was a little crushed herb, and she raised her hand to her face.

At a glance, there was something dark on it.

"Did you get it?"
Lotus asked.

Chang Sheng nodded and said, "Zhou Fuzi asked me to wipe it for you."

Lotus remembered that when Zhou Fuzi saw her as a shrew, dhe was fighting with others,and now she just felt very embarrassed ...,

she asked,
"When did he come?

Did he say anything?"

Long said: "some time ago he said that if you apply this medicine to you, your illness will be all right. How is it? Is your illness all right?"

Lotus smiled faintly and said

, "I'm all right because of you."

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