chapter 34 2nd day of new year

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Just now she didn't ask for a bargain at the butcher's stall.

But when she talk about the price with Bodd...

Long was gone....
She shouted anxiously, and immediately pulled out the crowd to find him,but then she saw him coming towards her.

he hurried over without giving her chance her to speak, and stretched his hand over... there us a pig's tail.

Lotus was stunned, and said without thinking,

"Did you buy it?"

Long didn't answer, and shook the pig's tail in front of Lotus eyes, and said,

"Pig's tail."

The expression looked like a child waiting to be praised,

Lotus  smile at him.

After while Lotus reacted.

He have no money , how could he buy a pig's tail?

He maybe heard  ..what she said to the butcher before buying it.

She stretched her neck and From afar, she saw people around the meat stall. The boss was so busy that he didn't find wrong anything

But she couldn't bear to blame Long by other or even pointed out that he was wrong.

For that she need to pay for it...

She just smiled and took the pig's tail, and shook it in front of the two of his eyes like ehat he did
And smile

: "Let's eat it at night!"

Long waited for Lotus smile and he also grinned.

Lotus took out a few copper plates from her arms and handed them to Changlong, pointing at the meat stall far away

: "Did you see the meat stall? This is what we owe the boss. I am tired and don't want to go back. You go and give it back to Boss.. he is very busy, you don’t have to give it to him, just quietly put it..on the meat case. I am waiting for you here, go back quickly, we have to hurry back ..."

Changlong took the copper plate happily and trot all the way to deliver it to the boss.

Lotus looked on tiptoe, watching Changlong put money on the meat case and did not attract the attention of the boss.

She was relieved. When he came back, she smiled at him

: "very good...lets go."

Long smiled

Yes...finally he make her smile...
To make her smile, he did one thing right, he did a lot of things right today, Lotus smiled many times.


It was terribly cold. Everyone stay in the house and people could hardly see people walking in the village lanes.

Lotus and Long are also in the house almost all day long, can't wait to stay on the warm bed whole day

Although there are only two of them in the family, the Chinese New Year still has the appearance of a Chinese New Year. Early in the morning, Lotus boiled a pot of paste and brought it to the room to put on the table... instructing Changlong to paste the red paper on the window

She cut the flowers  shape for window , cut the good characters and asked him

"LONG, do you think it look good?"

Long was kneeling on the table to paste the paper on window... seriously, and when she called him, he turned his head to take a look, nodded indifferently, and continued to paste the paper on window

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