chapter 49 Reward

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Lotus was scared back by Dabao's sudden rage, and her heart burst out like it's about to jump out.

Dabao shouted at Lotus

: "Now you know everything!


What else do you want to know!

You say!"

Lotus covered her heart, stared at Dabao in disbelief, anger and hatred, and shouted

: "I'm satisfied?

What you are full of?!

I'm so free to have time to gossip about you?

Li Dabao!

You can do it!

I will never ask anything to you in the future, ..."

Lotus was so speechless that tears were twirling in Her eyes.

Their mom listened to the noise and went into the house.

When she saw that the two  were quarreling, she anxiously said

"What's wrong with you both?

How do you say that?


What happened?

Your sister is still pregnant Anxious for you, how can you yell at her?"

As soon as Lotus heard this her grievances rushed up, her tears fell involuntarily, and she stood up and said with tears and whimpering

"I don't care about his business in the future... I have my own care.... you all take care ”

After she finished speaking, she left with tears.

Their mom was so anxious that she punched Dabao and hurried out.

On the other side, the Lotus's father also listened to the movement, and then came out of the house, stood at the door, glared at Dabao, and yelled

: "No one need to cares about him in the future!
He has been used to it since childhood. !

Always fight with anyone and still spoiled by family!

You just take a knife and kill me so you can behave how ever you want!

Little Bunny!

If i know that time... that you turn like this in the future me... you alteady strangled to death by me... after your birth!"

Lotus listene her dad's scolding and left his mother's house without looking back.

Mom was anxious at both ends, and afraid that Lotus must not be sad at this time

Lotus walked for a while and stopped, wiped her tears, turned to her mother and said,

"Go back, I'm fine."

Mom : "Don't be angry with your brother, he is upset these days, and I will scold him for you when I go back."

Lotus : "I know, please hurry back and persuade my dad , don't make him anxious and angry."

mother was still uneasy, followed a few steps, stood in the distance and looked at Lotus as she walked away before she sighed sadly home.

Long has been sitting on the threshold and going west, watching Lotus appear he hurried over.

When he got close, he saw tears in her red eyes.

"What's wrong?
What's wrong?"
Changlong asked anxiously.

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