chapter 42 Distressed

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When Lotus left the village, dhe started to shout, and she shouted into the mountain all the way

I am a LOTUS!

Where are you?"


You should speak!


.. I am not angry anymore! I will go home with you! LONG! Come out!"

.. Don't hide! You come out! LONG!"




Lotus hunted and shouted all the way.

She always felt that he was hiding, as if he would come out next time, looking at her with his head down and his eyes closed, grieved and angry, but no matter how she screamed, she cried and shouted there is no response

She was scolding and begging, until dawn on the horizon  but Long never appeared.

The guys who followed they all were all tired and frustrated, and they felt more and more hopeless, but they couldn't bear to go back when they saw Lotus lost her soul.

Everyone searched for a whole night before someone stepped forward and said

: "Sister Lotus... …It's dawning...we've all work whole nights.. you see...''

Lotus that has been tortured all night has no energy, and just walks around aimlessly, listening to someone talking to her, just like an unconscious response

: "Yes... you people go back... I will look for..."

It's still a long way , and I haven't found it there yet..."

Dabao pulled her away and said anxiously

: "There are all puddles over there. It's not a joke to get stuck in it."

Not only did Lotus not return, but instead she walked in more panic, nervously muttering

: "Your brother-in-law doesn't know...about it

he doesn't know there is a puddle here...

LI don't go inside, I just Go and see... just take a look..."

Dabao dragged out while holding Lotus and said,

"My brother-in-law is not blind, even if he doesn't know the way, he can't plunge into this deep grass pit."

Lotus turned around and grabbed Dabao, trembling and said,

"Then where did you say he went? Where can he go alone? I think he can't find his home in the dark, so he has to find a place to rest? But all the places on the mountain where he can be found have been searched.
Where do you say he can go?

He hasn’t been out of the village since childhood, where can he go?

Ah? You? Say where can he go?"

Dabao was so scared to see his eldest  sister like this..

There was a mad widow in Qianshuzi Village, the case is,
Her man went out for a day and never came back. She was so anxious that she would only pull people and mumble all day.

"You said where did he go?

When he walked in the morning, he only drink jujube porridge at night. Why didn’t he come back?

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