chapter 9 His own

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Lotus did not think about  whether Feng's body was so dirty and smelly at the moment, she looked at his wrist and bit it down.

"Ah..." Feng Laozi screamed and let go, and Lotus couldn't care about picking things up, and ran away after pulling her leg.

Feng Laozi was bitten but he dont want to let her run... he urgently dragged up with a lame catch her

It is said that this place is closer to the village. If  Lotus ran back, she will call villagers  for help and Feng Lai didn't dare to go to the village.

but here Lotus was so scared that she had no idea.... which side to ran... she ran into the mountain subconsciously, thinking of Long so this stinking rogue could not bully her.

Lotus had already run away, but she was so scared that she couldn't find a way to go, and didn't pay attention to being tripped.

She caught up by the Feng Lame, before waiting for Lotus to get up, the next moment he  pushed her down again.

Lotus was crushed by Feng Lame on the ground, and she was really scared.

She shouted and cursed while resisting.

No matter whether she was ashamed or not, she only hoped that a passerby could come to rescue her.

Feng Laizi touched Lotus with a smile on his face, and said with a smile

: "Shout a fart! There are no flies here on weekdays, who do you want to call? Can you count on the fool in your family to find you?"

Then he dragged Lotus into the trees on the roadside.

Lotus was dragged on the ground and could not get up at all.

She resisted to break free, and the clothes were twisted in a mess, revealing a smooth waist.

After seeing it, Feng started to color his heart, and blocking the resistance of Lotus with one hand, touching her exposed waist with one hand, and then drilling up into the bottom of the clothes. ..Touch her chest.

"Bastard! Stinky shit! You let me go! Let my father and my brother ..know ...they will tear you up and feed the dog!"

Lotus shouted and scolded.

Feng gnawed on the neck of Lotus, and said,

"Good! Go and tell that old man! asked him why he give you to that fool... Good sister, you are fragrant in the neck, let brother taste it...

that fool, he knows how to fart! Shit and pee ... find his grandma to take off his pants! Where can he understand this fun... Today, brother will let you know what a real man is..."

After that, He reached to pull  Lotus's pants.

Lotus scolded and clenched her waist tightly.

Only when she was crying anxiously, she suddenly realized that a shadow come.

Then, "Wow", Feng Lame screamed ...

Fly out.

Lotus saw Feng Lame planted in the grass beside her, and turned her head to see, the person was no one but Long, and she was relieved with great joy.

The Feng Lame was so dumbfounded that he only got a guts with a little wine. Now that he was beaten and beaten, he was completely awake.

He saw that Fool was tall and strong like a mountain....he was so scared that he didn't urinate his pants. He was busy and said,

" misunderstanding! It's your wife...who is not honest, and she is dragging me here and there, I, I, I didn't want to do it...

Lotus just finished getting up and crawled up, trembling with anger at Feng's words,

"Bah! You stinky Dog dare to open your mouth! asked  me if i dare to kill you!"

Feeling sick after realizing  his touch on her body... she wanted to kill him...

Long had already stepped forward to grab Feng Lame in two steps and smashed him with his fist.

Feng  only felt his head was stunned, and the brain scum was broken up and fell to one side, before he could relax, the second and third punches fell one after another.

Feng felt that he would definitely be killed by this Fool, so frightened that he desperately begged for mercy.

"Big Brother" and "Uncle" cried out.

Long ignored him , staring one punch after another without hearing it.

Lotus looked at them and shouted,

"Slay you stinky shit! See if you dare to bully your aunt and grandmother! Kill him!... Long! Kill this bastard!"

"Um... Grandma...aunt... Woo..."
Feng was beaten with blood all over his face, and he didn't know how many teeth he lost.
Seeing this, Lotus was afraid that he would be killed by Long... so she said tightly

"Forget it, Long...this time, the Dog's life spare."

but ChangLong didn't hear the thing, still waving his fist in accordance with Feng, it was really like to kill him.

Lotus was scared and shouted

"Forget it, Long, don't fight!"

Seeing him still nonstop punching, she hurriedly ran over and hugged his arm and said,

"Don't fight Long! ChangLong!"

ChangLong stopped his hands, his eyes flushed, his fists clenched like stones, and his muscles were tight.

Lotus was a little dazed, and at this moment it seemed that she really married a man.

She was too late to touch, because she had never seen such annoyed look of ChangLong, and she felt a little dazed at the moment. She said softly

: "Let’s leave this rogue, it’s time to eat, you can kill him next time if he behave rogue...
What about work?"

Changlong gasped for a long time, letting go of Feng Lame as if he was not reconciled.

Seeing that Changlong's fist was full of Feng Laizi's blood, Lotus quickly cleaned him with her sleeves, helped him straighten his clothes, and took his arm to coax the child like

"Go, let's go, to eat ."

before walking out long kick Feng again two times..

Lotus dragged Changlong out of the woods and walked back for a while, seeing that the rice basket was still on the ground, the jug inside was lying, the water was flowing all over the ground, and a few cakes were rolling aside.

Lotus was so distressed that she picked it up and patted it one by one, and put the jug and the kitchen knife beside it back into the basket.

Changlong did not speak. After Lotus had packed everything, he took the basket over and pulled Lotus together to go up the mountain.

The first time Lotus was held by Changlong, it felt a bit strange.

She glanced at him secretly and saw that he still seemed to be angry, and when he passed the grove, he held her hand tightly and consciously.

Lotus is warm in her heart, and it doesn't matter if he is stupid or fool

Although he may not really treat her like a real wife, or love her but he knows that she belong to him...his own, and he can protect her when it matters.

Thinking about it this way, it wouldn't be a big deal in pulling her quilt early in the morning....

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