chapter 46

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Long stared at Lotus..who entered into Grandma's room for a while, and froze for a moment, bowing his head lonely.

Lotus went to find Grandma  and just wanted to talk to Grandma and  help her get an idea.

Grandma seemed to expect that Lotus would come, and kept waiting for her with the light on. After she poured out her worries, she sighed.

Lotus blamed herself

: "Actually, I should blame me when she said those words to me last time. Even though it was for the sake of Long... I have been busy with him and I only care about my  own life and forget about her sufferings. If I can visit her again a few days ago, this thing not turned like this."

Grandma looked at Lotus and said,

"It's all right ... What's the matter? Are you God?"

Lotus froze for a moment and looked up, but after listening what Grandma said again

: "You are just used to being the big one at home, everything shoulder by yourself. .. She is your sister, you should protect her..and It’s true ... it is good that you are care about her but you cant blame yourself  for her mistakes .. you persuade her for a while but cant persuade her for a lifetime?"

Lotus frowned slightly, and said nothing thoughtfully.

Grandma continued

: "Xing is only one year younger than you....she is not little girl... not to ge sensible?
If you counts that  ..she is married a few years earlier than you, so she should have experienced more than you.

You think about it first..

she  also thought about her own life .... she suffered and how many days she struggled in the end when she took this step..."

Lotus said

: "I also know that Wang Fugen's person is indeed not a person who can pass through the days... But I was afraid in my heart, just because she did not take the right step, but found herself a harder way... …"

Grandma : "It was her choice if she couldn't walk anymore."

Lotus was worried and stayed in Grandma's room for a while, sighing

"It's not easy for a woman to choose the path she wants to go in her own life. It's even harder for Xing as honest girl... Whether it’s a way of life or a way of death, it’s up to her to step it on at a time. It’s useless for others to die in a hurry..."

Grandma said again and Lotus also understood that it was really difficult to let her let go, but the troubles in her heart need to shate with someone so she said it TO Grandma  and it was not so messy in her mind now after that

: "If you want me to say, the most important thing for you now is to go and sleep to get enough energy. You can't help Xing, but your father and mother are right in front of you.  Although you can’t come up with an idea, you can nourish yourself and stay with your father and mother, and they are also a comfort and support by you”

"Yes... you are right Grandma..." Lotus took a breath and got up and left.

Lotus came out of  grandma's room and saw that her room was lit with lights.

She thought that Changlong had been waiting for her. She didn't return to room immediately. She went to the stoveroom to pick up the dishes and chopsticks. Clean it

Lotus knew that Changlong worried about  her specially, and got some comfort in her heart... she washed her hands and returned to roo. to rest.

Lotus entered the house, but when she saw that bedding had been laid out, Long lay in his own bed, motionless, and fell asleep. There was a bowl on her pillow, which contained the bite she had just bitten.... Pancakes.

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