chapter 35 Fight

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Lotus looked at and sent away Xing and turned to her mother

"Mother, I heard my father said that you have been in a bad shape recently? You have a cough sickness again? Why didn't you tell me?"

Mom: "Where is it so severe, it's just cold ....our family still has the medicine given by master Zhou Fuzi, I drink two times and feel right."

LOTUS: "MOM don't hide it if you are sick. Tell us early and You will cure early, so as not to get serious illnesses. It's like grandma dragged on for so long and turned like this....its good that master Zhou Fuzi knew A good doctor who can cure it, otherwise she maybe...not live anymore....
If that happens my family collapse? So please mom dont hide it..ok... even Father is strict but he care about you....”

MOM smiled comfortably

: "Mother knows, with your filial piety, I still want to enjoy the blessings for more than a few decades. I also look forward to bringing you children, how old is Dabao, that boy is waiting for to marry his wife and give birth to my grandson! Where can I make myself easily sick? I'm fine."

Lotus heard the words and felt relieved, and thought that Dabao was still running with a runny nose, and imagined him marrying his with with a runny nose. It is funny and could not help but smile.

MOM said again: "Where did your father care about me...  clearly he missed you himself. Don't look at his his own daughter how can he not worry about you ? last six months  he always shouted your name... like you still here with us..."

Lotus froze for a moment, thought for a moment, and lowered her head without a word.

MOM : "Let me tell you... as first and last child... Dabao and you... he love you both... he just dont know how to say it...Although you are a girl, in the end you are our  first child, everyone says palms The back of the hand is meat, but this baby is different in the heart of the father and mother, but it is more painful than other children...In these years, you have done these things for your family. The marriage is delayed, the mother's heart looks like a mirror, your father is not a stone heart

....he...he knows that it is because of us.... your life... become  like this

your father does not hurt you, or...


... he has been like this in his life , When you are good for him... you will eat like honey. When you are not good for him, he just want to stab you with a knife... he is just so personal, don't remember to hate him..."

"Mother..." Lotus interrupted her mother's words, and her heart was sour, her eyes were red, and her head was down to pretend to be okay

. "What are you talking about, where is there a girl who hates her own dad?
What’s wrong?

To be honest, the father and mother gave birth to me and raised me so big. How much I love you both ....i dont have words?

Besides, I’m doing very well now. Dare to talk, just like ordinary people in the village,  I don’t feel any loss..."

After being silent for a moment, Mom raised her hand and wiped the corners of her eyes. She said

"Don't say it. What do you do? The mother knows that Changlong is a good child. The mother can see...


the mother wants to say that your father is here, let You often come to see him in the future. Your father, you know, the master who did not bend over whole life, let him talk softly than to kill him with a knife, he miss you but cant tell use my name to cover it"

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