chapter 45 Jealousy

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Lotus was angry and sullen, and glared him with blushing face

"You stinky Dog , i knew it... i knew it... you always think about it...  where is the place to do that

the dogs and men who not loyal with their wife's do that thing with outsider women...drilling into the woods and here and there..

what do you think of me?

"Let go of me!"

Leaving her Long ran away and ran back.

Long stared blankly at Lotus again and ran away, feeling abnormally lost.

He recalled the scene he saw in the forest in the evening, and he still remembered that scene these days.

Although he already love Lotus on Bed... but he really wants to pull Lotus on the grass in the wood like those two..... but he dont wants  to show his Wife's body to other.. so he even create little grass hut for them... but now she turn into angry tigress...

Long looked at the thick grass and walked out of the forest reluctantly, muttering softly in his mouth

: "I  dont want to be a dog and a man like others... but just want to love my own wife... whats wrong with it... its just ..."

In a blink of an eye, Long has been home for a month

Grandma reminded Lotus to go to the county together with Long, and officially went to thank the couple (Sun Xuemei).

Lotus's father also reminded Lotus that the old lady was sick last time and had no chance to speak.

This time she have to take Dabao together with her...

First, thank that couple..
Secondly, she could also mention Dabao . .

Lotus didn't want to ask for favors, but now she is really thankful to Sun Mei and it is not too difficult to express gratitude, and she dare not collide with her father.

When Long first heard about going to Su mei's house, he was shaking his head like a rattle, and he was hugging Lotus tightly.

Lotus explains long time before Long let go his doubts, but he also said

: don't need to stay long there... and don't allow to talk to Sun Mei's husband... not allow to look at him...we just send our gratitude... amd they return home

Lotus heard his words...and felt funny, and she said

" that even if you are willing to change your wife with him he will not agree, I am a village woman from the country, where is the rich master choose me and I'm not going to stare at him  ? In addition, I originally go there to thank and asked for help.

How could I do not speak with him?

She reluctantly explained  Long time, and Long reluctantly responded.

So, a good day was chosen, Lotus carried a basket of eggs, and Dabao took two cans of good wine brought back from  Tao at home during the New Year, and a group of three went on the road.

The three went out of the village, went to the avenue, hired a carriage, and hurried all the way to the city.

Lotus asked Dabao if he was determined to go to the county government to serve as a government service. He only said

"I can tell you that, please. There is no such thing , don’t ask me whether I should or shouldn’t"

Dabao was indifferent. He said

"Hah, sister, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I don't want to be a government servant at all. Although I can earn a few money in that place, I have to look at people's faces every day. Besides, I'm really going into the county, I'm afraid I can't go home every day."

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