Chapter 2- What does it mean to marry a wife?"

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Lotus glared at him angrily, grabbed the peanut in his hand and stuffed it into her mouth.

chang Long  looked at the empty palms, and then looked up at the peanuts in the mouth of the lotus.

and said

"Choose one..only one."


"Peanut, choose one for you, you have eaten no more."


At this moment, Lotus couldn't tell whether it was funny or annoying, but the grievances in her heart were lighter.

she provoked him to eat the peanuts cleanly.

Long stared at the lotus, like  wronged baby

its fact like that Long know her well...she always teased  him...

like when she was a child. At that time, if she was wronged at home, she would go out like this, and she would definitely find a long alone in a corner of the village.

She just find him to yell at him. With loud voice, it was comfortable to spread the grievances out of her heart, and Chang Long always kept silent, looking at her in confusion and innocence, and grievances on her face.

More often ... lotus felt sorry for when ChangLong  was bullied by other children, she helped him in turn, just thinking it would be even.

At this time, ChangLong never told her any words of gratitude, but stood aside in a daze and looked at it as if this matter had nothing to do with him at all.

Later, everyone grew up, no one bullied ChangLong and no one talked to him anymore.

Lotus no longer remembers the last timetalkedshe talked to Changlong for the last time.

At this time, she saw that Changlong exposed this expression to her and recalled his childhood.

She looked at Changlobg for a while and said,

" listen to me ok.., why don't you choose me as your wife...
Do you have three bags of millet in your house?
Go help me and give it Liu Fugui, I'll be your wife... We grew up together as a childhood  friends....
Although you are a fool, it is ten million times better than Liu Fugui..."

Long frowned, somewhat unhappy... said slowly... (he is autistic my readers ok... just little bit slow to understand things around him but not Fool... he is like innocent baby)

: "I'm not a fool."

The lotus teased him

: "aren't you a fool? If you're not a fool, then tell me ... what is marriage... what is wife..?"

Longe was asked by her. After thinking for a while, he didn't know how to answer. he only shouted,

"I'm not a fool!
My grandma said, I'm not a fool!"

The lotus bent her lips and raised her chin. She replied like she was when she was a child

: "That's your grandma lied to you! You are a fool! The whole village knows you are a fool!"

Long wanted to bit her but
Suddenly, there was a call not far away

"Xiao Long..."

The lotus looked up, but there  is Grandmothers Chang .... she dont when she returned ....

The lotus was terrified, and the momentum just spoke to ChangLong was gone, just like a bunny stared at by the eagle, and quickly patted her ass and ran away.

Grandmother Chang is different  from other women's  in the village.... she never mix with others.... went to Forest  to collect  herbs and earn...she to upright... her auro is different

Like most people in the village, Lotus is a little afraid of grandma  chang

As a child, lotus can always see grandma Chang with a stick chasing children  who bully Her grandson Long

Although she has never been beaten by grandma Chang.. But she was still afraid of her.

In fact, the grandmother chang are not blood related grandma of Fool Long..

She was only in her twenties when she married Long's gradpa, she is about the same age as the lotus's Mom, or even younger than her Mom

The grandma Chang is not locals, and are said to have been rescued by the grandfather of long when they were hunting.

The father and mother died when the long was very small. People say that the reason why his grandfather married a young Woman was that he wouldn’t take care of the long for a hundred years.

Later, he died when Long was ten years old. after that they both depends on eachother... she raised  him like her own son...


Only the grandma Chang looked at  Lotus...who run like  thieves, and walked over to ChangLomg

: "What did Li Ada say to you?"

Chang Long's head tilted, and he slowly pulled a long voice.

"Lotus - Ada, what did the Ada say to you?"

Grandma Chang said.

Long lowered his eyes for a moment, and thought slowly

: "are you Waiting for your grandma...

I'm going to marry someone, my father took Liu Fugui's three belts and replaced me with him to fill the house..."

…Liu Fugui is a bastard, and has forced his wife to death...

I don’t want to marry him, but my father has already received three bags of millet...

Long, I’ll be your wife..

you can help me give it back Liu Fugui, I will be your wife...

you are a fool,

and the whole village knows that you are a fool."

ChangLong repeated the words that Lotus said before... Whatever he remembered

Grandma Chang frowned slightly after listening.

Long: "Grandma, I am not a fool. What does it mean to marry a wife?"

Grandma Chang didn't answer, only turned to look at the direction where the lotus ran away, thoughtfully.


The next day, the lotus father asked Dabao to carry the three bags of millet intact and return it to Liu Fugui, and for the first time in so many years he returned the things he had in his hands for the first time.

He is not a loser, he got a bigger offer from the  grandma chang:

half acres of arable land.

Lotus was surprised when she knew that she was allowed to be granted to ChangLong, and she heard that Grandma chang had replaced her granddaughter-in-law with half acres of land. It was even more incredible.

She didn’t even be too happy for herself to escape Liu Fugui’s tiger mouth, nor for herself. She will be sad for a lifetime with a fool.

She just thought that she might not be worth this half acre of arable land. With such a gift, the four grandmothers can find a younger and more beautiful wife for ChangLong, and even beg two wives....

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