chapter 20 Awkward silence

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Don't stand there like fool, let's go!"

Lotus went up and dragged ChangLong's arm and ran away, fortunately he was secretly not found.

Long ...the wooden man was dragged back home by lotus flowers all the way.

Lotus gently pushed open the door of the courtyard, looked into the head and looked at the movement, and saw that Grandma's room was still dark with light.

She was relieved a little, but she felt uneasy in the end. The dog barked at the gong this night, and grandma should have listened to the movement, but she was not a person, who should get up to watch,like the disturbance would have nothing to do with her and Long

She took Changlong to the door and waited for a while.

Seeing that there was nothing strange, she boldly pulled Changlong into the courtyard, turned around and quietly inserted the courtyard door, and pulled Changlong back to their room

When they entered the room, Lotus didn't dare to light the lights, and only said to Changlong

: "It's okay, go to sleep."

After that, she took off her clothes ... she saw that Changlong still There was no movement ...

"Why? dont want to Sleep?"
Lotus said suspiciously.

Long remained silent.

Lotus felt strange and worried

shee pulled off his arm and said,

"What's wrong?"

Long stood there with his head lowered as if he had been wrong.

The room was dark,Lotus felt guilty so she said

: "Don't scare me, what's wrong, please talk!"

Still not receiving any response from him

Lotus hurriedly lit the lamp in the house. Long stood straight in front of her eyes, keeping his head down and not squeaking

Lotus had to ask questions anxiously, and suddenly her eyes were wrong, and she found out that the condition of Changlong's crotch was wet with his trouser legs.

After an awkward silence, the Lotus froze for a while before reacting.

she was afraid... she made a casual and casual look

"It's okay... its...nothing..."

While talking, she took a pair of pants from the cabinet Pass it to him and say,

"You change it first. I will give you some water to scrub..."

Long didn't pick up, still standing with his head bowed blankly, his hands clenching his fists.

Lotus thought he was probably ashamed, so it's not easy to say more, just put the pants on the bed and go to the stove to boil water by him.

When she returned with warm water, she saw that Changlong had already gone to bed and lay down.

He covered his whole body like child under the quilt and covered it tightly.

The clean trousers were still flat on the kang head, but no dirty trousers were seen.

Lotus put the water basin on the table and whispered

: "Long, I brought warm water, you scrub ...scrub..."

Long didn't answer, and Lotus said

: "Take off your pants, I'll wash you..."

Long covered the quilt motionless, as if asleep.

Lotus softened her tone, and just said softly like coaxing the child

: "How uncomfortable it is to wear wet pants, take them off and sleep comfortably."

No matter what Lotus said, Changlong never said a word.

Lotus thought he must be very mad at the moment. She thought he was embarrassed to talk to her.

If she say it again, he might be annoyed. So she didn't dare to persuade him anymore, only to turn off the lights and climb up to bed and lie down.

But she couldn't let him sleep in wet pants like this. She lay quietly for a long while, and it was estimated that Long should really sleep, so she sat up quietly and carefully lifted his quilt, thinking Help him take off his pants while he is asleep.

Only she lifted a quilt, and  Long is like a frightened little piggy, curled up to avoid it, he pulled the quilt hard, wrapped himself into a big silkworm chrysalis, and stuck it tightly On the wall.

Lotus didn't dare to move anymore, but she only raised a small angle, but she saw that Changlong was bare and didn't wear pants.

She thought that she had probably missed it, but again Even Long is little silly but he couldn't sleep in wet pants.

Early the next morning, Lotus hunted through the house, and still no trace of the pants, she casually asked,

"Where did you take off your pants?"

Long folded the quilt seriously and ignored her completely.

Lotus looked at Long and he must have concealed it  for shame, and she said helplessly, and said that the pants were stained with urine, so need to wash it

At breakfast, grandma mentioned the barking and gongs of the dog in the night intentionally or unintentionally, just asking Lotus casually

"Ah... um..."

Lotus responded vaguely.

She knew that this thing might not be able to hide from grandma, but she dont dare to tell her now

Grandma  said

: "I heard?but Why didn't I see the movement in your room?"

Lotus just said nothing,

"I sleep soundly and I don't bother to move... I listen to the movements, maybe someone is walking on road in drunken state..."

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